chapter 6

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OK, I don't no what it is about Frank Sinatra but he is a legend. Ok, I know this is short, but its more of a filler. I'm sorry, again.

_chapter 6______________

Louis pov.

That was just to close. I don't know what came over me. I mean, he had me pinned against the wall, practically flirting with me! Who does that? Oh wait, I know the guy that also happens to be my room mate. I gripped the staring wheel tighter, making my knuckles white.

Where did those feelings come from? I should have acted the way I did. But, when he he touched me, my heart just went into a frenzy, as I shivered under the touch. I shouldn't feel those feelings. But I cant get enough of them.....

God, why did he have to move in? I was perfectly fine on my own. Now when I'm around him, I cant help but to want to do some things that shouldn't be legal. And some things that shouldn't even be mentioned.... Ugh! I have to stop thinking about this. But I just cant. Its like he is just planted into my Brain, hitting replay. That moment... I don't know, but it arose some feelings. I don't know, but I thought I was past this. Maybe this is just a phase,but I shouldve have this problem when I was 15. Not now. I cant like boys. Men. Or could I......? I mean, I'm not gay. Maybe... possibly.. I could be bi? I don't know... I don't look at another guy the way I look at Harry. But I don't look at Harry any special way. Well.... No...Maybe....yes.... I DON'T KNOW! Ugh.... this is so confusing. He is making this confusing. Why?

I looked at the time, seeing as it was already 11pm. Liam is gonna kill me. Ha, that's funny, thinking that he is going to 'kill' me. Man that word has so many meanings..........


I walked in to the flat. Hm. Something is missing....

"Hey curly, you here?" I yelled, setting the keys down on the counter, and walking towards the Tv.

"Uh.. yeah! Just a sec!" He responded, as I flipped on the tv.

I glanced at him, just for a second. He didn't seem to noticed, but he wasn't wearing a shirt. Man that kid was fit! He had some growing biceps, flexing every time he raised his arms. Or stretched. And, his torso was just built. A good six pack, making a V, leading down to... Oh my! Was I just checking him out? No.... Not again....

" Do you want some tea?" He asked, pouring the water into the kettle I looked st him again, noticing his abs and biceps flex again. Man, if he doesn't put on a shirt, I might yank him and just lick the nutella off of those abs.. SHUT UP! LOOK AWAY NOW!

"Uh yeah. sure." I mumbled, barely audible. I tried to make my face as impassive as ever, as he handed me the tea. I looked at it, seeing the steam role off. Just like his abs would..... STOP IT NOW! I blushed at the thought, which I shouldn't even be thinking... God, this boy will be the death of me I swear. I just wish these feelings would just go away for me to have a civil conversation without me thinking things that I shouldn't even be thinking for a male. But i cant help it. Maybe its his crazy curls, sticking out everywhere. Or his piercing green eyes. I don't know what it is, but I just cant stop this feeling wash over me. Maybe I should just keep myself distracted. Maybe..

" Maybe what?" Harry asked,sending me a quizzical look. He took a sip of his tea. I looked at him, before regretting it. He needs to put on a shirt. NOW.

"What did you say?" I asked, not wanting to blush in front of him. No emotion. No emotion.

"You said maybe, and I asked maybe what?" He asked, sitting a little bit more comfortably. His abs flexed..... KILL ME NOW! I looked down, letting out the blush creep on my cheeks. I need to stop these thoughts.

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