chapter 4

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I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! My family didn't get Internet connection whatsoever while moving. Its been Lot of work, and this chapter is probably really crappy, but it takes place in the story. A big thing happens, just because of this crappy chapter. I promise to upload tomorrow, but I don't know when I can. Please forgive me! And sorry for spelling mishaps.

_____chapter 4______________

I cant believe this.

Why. Why did I have to make that deal with Niall? Why did I have to fall for Louis?

Just why?

" Well, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later." Louis whispered, once we closed the door from Lima and Niall, snogging. Snogging for heavens sakes!? I mean, I know Niall can be confronting some times but, already? That's just really really soon. And not to mention that deal I made with Niall. I told him I was going to tell Louis how I felt, if he told Liam. I looked at Louis, nervously now. I couldn't do this. Not when he was just letting me talk to him and not hit my back every five minutes. He said this would happen, so he knew about Niall?

" Y-You did?" I hesitantly asked.

" Of course I did Harry, I knew that he had to tell him sooner or later, or it would eat him up. I could tell by the way he just looked at him. Complete adoration. It wasn't that hard to tell. And I knew Liam would come around, in time. I mean, who wouldn't love that little leprechaun?" He said, smirking at the statement. He called me Harry. He never calls me Harry in situations like this. Oh I knew, he called me Harry after that dream, and he called me Harry now. But I wasn't going to press him on it....... Well....

" You called me Harry." I stated, trying to hide a smirk.

He just rolls his eyes and huffed. " Well, don't get used to it curly."

I just rolled my eyes, and that's when I felt something in my pocket. I grabbed it out of my pocket, and it was a message.

1 new message

leeyum: We are outside. Com out. x

I showed Louis the message. He huffed at it and whispered, " Liam can not spell." I agreed, when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked at the screen again, hopefully Louis did not see this one.

leeyum: Ur turn ;) x

My eyes widened, but I immediately regained My normal look. I hope, absolutely hope that Louis did not see that. I shoved my phone into my pocket in one quick movement and headed for the door. Louis gave me a confused look, but I ignored it, as he followed me out of the door. That's when I saw Liam and Niall giving me a knowing smirk. I'm going to kill the leprechaun. Niall chuckled at me, but I went up to him and whispered," I'm going to kill you leprechaun. Oh and by the way, we saw you little snog session out here." I said, growing a toothy smirk on my face.

He grunted while looking baffled, saying," I'm not a leprechaun."

" Of course you are Niall, don't deny it." Louis said, as we all glared at him. I'm baffled, because he doesn't banter anymore, and he just cracked a joke. Liam and I had shock written across our face, while Niall looked more annoyed, He did have a little bit of of shock glowing in his eyes though. But who wouldn't?

" What?" He asked, as we snapped out of our daze. we nodded our heads and Liam said," Come one, we have to go."

We all headed towards Zayn's flat, and then we went to the studio.

As we arrived, Louis and I as silent as ever, while Niall and Liam cuddled with each other, there were a hundred screaming fans out there. Everyone of them just screaming at the top of there lungs, chanting there names and One Direction. I even heard my name being called once or twice. I just looked at them baffled by it, as my ear dreams feel like there about to burst. I looked at the other lads, the don't seem a bit fazed by this. How are they so used to this? I saw Louis send me a wink, while walking into the building. That gave me a little butterfly in my stomach, thinking he meant it the other way. But he didn't. Stop that. I finally made it in, still in a daze from all those girls. I felt some one pat me on the back, as I heard Louis chuckled. " Don't worry, you will get used to it after a while." I winced a little, from the bruises still on my back, and he noticed this. He took his hand off of my back but I gave him a grateful smile. He returned it, as we walked into the studio.

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