chapter 3

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___ chapter 3____________

I was laying from my couch, thinking. It has been a week, and I have tried to avoid Louis at all cost. I didn't want to hear anymore snide comments from him, and no more bruises either. Its just an awkward silence between us two, as in he has his headphones every time we are in the same room together. When he isn't drunk. Or when he brings a girl home and just goes up to his room, only to hear the screams and moans a few minutes later. Its disgusting really, dragging an alcohol filled girl, just to do meaningless fuck. Sometimes he even goes in my room just to make me mad. But, tonight he is by himself, as I see him stumble through the door, and collapse there. He spit up a couple of times, but he is just laying there, sleeping depriving from him. Well, its half past 2 in the morning, I am kinda tired too. But I pick him up, hearing a few mumbles protesting, but just lay him down on his bed. He curls up into a ball, and just sighs in his sleep. He looks depressed right now, and I just wish I could help him. But as always, he just shuts everyone out. I go fill him a glass of water from the faucet, and walked to his room to set it on the bedside table. I grab a trash can, and put it right beside his bed, and walk into mine. Sleep. That's all I need right now, and I can already feel the exhaustion washing over me.


I woke up, head hurting. Maybe a little tea might not hurt. I grunted, getting up and stretching. I slumped over, walking into the kitchen. Grabbing a kettle, and two cups. I turn on the stove, letting the water boil. Its getting boring, maybe I should text Niall, asking if I should come over. I looked for my phone, finding it, and texting Niall.

The tea was ready by that time, and I heard some shuffling from the hallway. I turned around towards Louis, who was rubbing his eyes with his fingers. I put the two cups out, pouring tea into both. I saw that he was watching my every movement, but I shrugged it off. I looked at him, noticing that he wasn't wearing a shirt, just boxers. Again.

" Tea?" I asked, offering him a cup. He took it, and took a sip from it. I also took a sip from mine, before setting it down on the table. I turned around, looking for the pain killers, and saw them. I took 2 out, and set them by his cup, and he gave me a quizzical look.

" Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked, after swallowing the pills. I just shrugged, " Why not?" I say, not really knowing why. Why was I? Then I hear a chuckle, coming from Louis.

" What?" He just smirked at me.

" For some one who has curly hair, you pretty fit." I widened my eyes, looking down at my body. OH SHIT! I only had boxers on. " Shit!" I mumbled, sprinting to my room. I ran towards my door, panting. I grabbed a jumper, and some shorts, and got changed. But....... he complimented me. Where did that come from? I made sure that that i wasn't bursting into flames, before I went down there again. I looked at him, completely in a daze. How is he still in his boxers? Does he like teasing me? Does he know that I am super self conscious when he can just lounge around only in underwear like its nothing?

" Hey curly, I didn't know you could run that fast embarrassed and all." He chuckles, and i just burst into flames. This is not the day for me today. He laughs, and I swear that I could see a smile. An actual smile! He just laughs even more, his breathing become staggered. I just prop my knees up against my body, hiding my face in my lap. He stops laughing, where its only a few chuckles, and he smirked at me. I'm glad I have poofy hair, because I did not want him to see my face right now. " So curly, what did you do last night? I faintly remember you watching TV." I look up, shocked at his question. He remembered me? But... hopefully he wont kill me because I touched him. He made that a rule 3 days ago. And I went against it to help him. I regained my posture, and mumbled, " I was helping you."

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