chapter 14

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__Chapter 14_______

Harrys POV.

I just sat there, thinking about how Louis' father did this. Who does he think he is? And why did he do that to Louis? How can he just think he can beat him up with no consequences? I swear, if he hurts my Louis one more time... Yes. My Louis. He is going to be mine, and I don't care what anyone says. I think I thought over enough that he didn't mean to do it on purpose. And, I didn't let him explain properly. That was a dickhead move of me, and I know that now. I was just really furious, that I wasn't thinking. And now he is beating himself up because of me, not to mention he, or the other lads, don't know where I am. I think Louis' father was dropped on his head as a baby. He is one crazy sphyco. I just hope Louis is okay-

SLAM. The door was just opened. Oh god...

"Oi! This fag is heavy!" The familiar, Steve? Or something like that, yelled. What does he mean? What is he doin- Oh. He just dragged someone else in. I feel for this poor lad, I guess he had something to do with that sphyco.

I saw him prop him against the wall, getting a chair from somewhere. I cant see his face, but he has almost identical hair as Louis.. And his clothes look like Louis' too.

"Hey, you up?" The one-I-don't-remember yelled. He didn't mean it in anyway harsh either. Note the sarcasm.

I just kept quiet, not really wanting to talk to one of his 'minions' as you could say. "Hey! I asked you a- Oh forget it faggie. There is no point to it." He muttered, not really making any sense.

I saw him bring in some rope and chair too, so that must mean he was getting tied up like me. I wonder if he is going to be in here too. I wonder who this mystery person is..

The guy brought over the chair so it was beside me. Probably about half a meter away. Once he sat the chair down, he picked up the sranger and carried him over to the chair. Once he sat in it, I couldn't believe my eyes. LOUIS?!

"L-Louis....?" I whispered in disbelief. Theres no way.. no. No, he cant be here. He shouldn't be here. HE NEEDS TO GET AWAY!

"You got that right curly. He is here just like you." The guy snickered, while I just sent mental curse words his way. I just rolled my eyes at him though, as he left the secluded room. That's when I got a good look at Louis.

He had bags under his eyes, and horrid worry lines. It looks like he was crying, but I cant be too sure. He was somewhat pale, and I could barely hear his breathing. He looked ten years older, and I hated it. His hair was messier than usual, making his fringe flat though. His cheeks look a little hollowed, as if he hasn't eaten for a year or two. I hated seeing him like this. So... lifeless. It isn't the normal Louis. And I wish, I just wish that once he wakes up that I can fix it. I can fix everything. But, I don't see how that will be happening anyway. Since we were both tied up, and nothing of a way to contact or escape. And just to imagine what he went through? It just have been hell for him. Knowing his father did this. I know that he knew. Theres no bother hiding it either. And now I feel like shit for not thinking, and leaving him out in the rain, when I knew he hated thunderstorms. God I'm such an idiot. He must hate me now..

I heard something, and it sounded like a chair. I knew it wasn't mine, but that must mean...

"Louis? Are you awake?" I frantically asked, because he started to stir.

"Mum.. 5 more minutes...." He mumbled, sounding really raspy. He must have been crying then.

"Louis, the last time I checked, I didn't give birth to you." I chuckled, as he started waking up. He looked up, sleep still in his eyes. But once he knew that he was constricted, he started to panick.

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