chapter 7

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Ok, I feel like this is a little bit better. And longer. But, if its not good, PLEASE DONT HATE ME! A;though, I kinda had a little fun writing this chapter... hehe.... and I have a A/N at the end. I'm sorry for spelling mishaps

__chapter 7____________.

Harry's pov.

It had been about an hour, and I still couldn't go to sleep. All I could do was think of him. His crystal blue irises, which was covered by his glasses, making him even more arr attractive. And his windswept, diseheveled hair covering some of his glasses. All I could think about how my hands were entangled in it, while my lips were up to him plump lips. God, how I wanted that so much. I just wanted to be with him, wrapped in each others arms, whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. Or have him lay beside me, just gazing in each others eyes. Taking everything in. Not caring about the world, like it was just me and him. No one else. Or just to feel him with me. I crave him. Its like, I'm not the same person when I'm around him, but I am. Ugh.. I sound like a teenage girl deciding whether they love there crush or not.

Wait... I don't love him. I like him. Alot. Maybe a little to much. This is to confusing. I need something to eat.

I got up, not really caring what I look like. I walked down to the kitchen area, opening the fridge. Hm.... Coffee? No. Sandwich? Nope. I looked to the second shelf, spotting something I didn't expect. A half bag of carrots. Its opened. I haven't eaten any carrots in about a year, so that must mean..... But, he said he didn't like them. He never did, and that was just a joke. But..... I'm over reacting on this. I really doubt that he actually had some type of carrot fetish. I huffed, grabbing the milk. I grabbed some special K, the chocolate kind, and popped the lid of the milk open.

I started to much on the cereal, remembering what Louis did with special K. It was pretty funny, just eating it with his hand. But that just reminds me how much he has changed since then. I looked at my bowl, not really interested in the cereal anymore.

What happened to him to go from happy, funny and cheerful to a shutout, a prick, and just mad at everyone else? I wonder.....

I got up, putting the bowl in the sink, and walking slowly to my room. I saw that his room was empty.... No. Don't do it. Don't do it Styles. Your going to regret it. I paused, shutting my eyes. Maybe I could see what happened.... No! Dont do it! But I wonder what happened......

I opened his door, hearing it creak as it opened. I peeked in, the smell of smoke hitting me, I coughed a little bit, before opening the door a little bit more. I stepped in slowly, taking in the scenery of the room. A few beer bottles lying, a ton of uncolored clothes on the floor. Bed unmade, and some of the drawers opened. It looks like a pig came in and lived in it. I mean, my rooms a little messy, but not this messy. I walked over towards the dresser, looking through some of it. All of it was pretty much clothes, excpet for one. I found a picture. I saw two figures, one looking like Louis, with a wig on, while another girl was was in the back, laughing at Louis. She stared at him fondly, admiring him for being so carefree. I dont know how I picked that up on one look, but It something hit me. Hard. I couldn't stand it, her watching him like that. I knoe its not right for me to judge so quickly, but I couldn't help it. They looked about 14, and Louis was looking quite amusing with a black wig on. I couldn't stand to look at the picture anymore, as the girl was making me feel more unnecessarily possessive by the minute. I set the picture back down, before looking at an old newspaper. The headline read, 20 YEAR OLD SHOT. BODY MISSING. I looked at the picture, realizing who it was. Oh my.........

It was the girl from the photo. I instantly felt guilty for being so hateful towards her.

But...that means... she knew Louis? And, what happened to her? Why was she missing? I looked back at the newspaper, reading the date. The 29 of August. That was the same week Niall told me they went home for the week. But... Louis was there... Did he still know her by that time? I mean, it was probablly so. I put the newspaper down, in the same place it was. But, before I put it doen, I saw a note. I picked it up, starte reading it.

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