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Harrys POV.

I was sitting with Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall at our last interview, thinking about the six years gone bye. I looked at Louis, who was staring back at me, smiling happier than any person I could have imagined, and I bet I looked the same way. We announced our love 5 yeard back, and everyone excpeted us, saying they saw it already. I was thinking back to the day that I fell in love with him, and I cherish that day and moment althrough out my life. I looked at our intertwined hands, seeing the silver ring on his left hand, third finger, and I looked at the gold one on my left hand too. I had it engraved Forever on mine, and on his it said And after 23/7/2012. That was the day we both said I love you to each ohter, on that night. I still recall it like it was yesterday, as I kissed him.. And I still kiss him with just as much passion as I do today.

"So guys, do you want to say anything before you guys sign off?" The interviewer asked, as she looked at us. We all smiled at her, and Liam grabbed the microphine first.

"We just want to say a massive thank you to all of our fans who have supported us over the years. Through the haircuts, the relationships, the songs, the albums, Harry of course," he winked at me," through everything. Without you guys, we wouldnt be able to make our first, and second, third, fourth, fifth, how many we did, and our singles, and just, thank you. We love you guys so much." Liam had a small tear rolling down his cheek, as he handed the microphone to Zayn.

"We also thank management, for helping us, and making us to where we are today, why without you guys we wouldnt have been able to make any albums, and help us make a new friend, bandbate, and lover along the way. We thank you Simon Cowel, for he was the one that made us where we are today, may he rest in peace." I saw Zayn give out a few tears, as he handed the mic to Niall.

"And thank you to all of our family, why with your support through everything, and helping us believe in our selves as you did. We want to thank Trisha, Karen, Jay, Anne, and My mum. I want to thank Geoff, Robin, Bobby, and the rest of the dads too. I want to thank Greg, Nicola, Ruth, Doniya, Waliyah, Saffa, Lottie, Fizz, Daisy, Pheobe and Gemma for being for us today. Wihtout you guys, we wouldnt be here. We love you guys so much." Niall had to hand the mic to Louis because he was crying so hard.

"Like all these boys said, we thank you, and we love you all. I personally want to thank the fans that stuck with us after my behavior 5 years ago. I am sorry about that by the way. And I want to thank you all who support us, and will support us through out there lives. And I want to thank the boys. Liam Niall Zayn, and Harry, I want to thank you guys for being my best friends, and my brothers. I had never had friends like you, and even though we were stuck on the rode with each other and couldnt get out, even if we tried," He chuckled at that, as id the tear stained audience," I couldnt ask for a better family. I want to also thank Paul, becuse he babysat us through the years" And then the mic was handed to me.

"I know that I wasnt with the band in the first place. I know that I never did audition for the X Factor, and I never was formed with the band. I was alright with that, because I wouldnt have it any other way. Sure I did miss about a year, but I caught up quickly. You know what? I remember the very first concert I did with the boys.I was so neverous, and when I sang Your Gaurdian Angel, I sang it for Louis. And when I thought he would never love me back, he did, and I couldnt thank anyone enough for it. I also made the greatest brothers I ever wanted, along with my soulmate. I couldnt have asked for a better life well spent, because if I did, I would have never met you guys, I wouldnt have sold many albums, I woulldnt have gotten worldwide famous, hell, I wouldnt even be known in London! So I thank everyone. The dedicated fans, the haters, management, Simon Cowel, Paul, Family, and My brothers. Without them I wouldnt be where I am now. And I am so thankful for that, and I always will. So thank you, for everything." I finished wiping some tears away from my eyes. I looked at Louis, who was blubbering and smiling like an idiot. I whispered "I love you."

He whispered back, "I love you too."


"And after."


Its been ten years, as I look at my son and daughter fight at the dinner table. I was smiling, as Louis tried to make them stop, but they wouldnt budge. I chuckled, as I said,"If you guys dont stop, I will take your phones away for a week." And they shutup.

I began eating the chicken I made, as I looked at Louis again. Our hands were entertwined, as I stared at him like I did the very first time. I chuckled at how he was so angry, and the brickwalls were new. Then Louis looked at me and asked,"What?"

"I just remember the first time I met you." I said sincerely, while gave his hand a small squeeze. He smiled at me, and chuckled too.

"Brutual huh?"

"I lived." I smirked, as I watched Anna looked at us in adoration. I know she wants a love like ours, but she is a little too young for that..

Once we were done eating, I washed the plates and got ready for bed. Louis came in a few minutes later, giving me a small kiss that never failed to send a shiver down my spine. When we were alone, it was teenage love all over again.

"Hey Haz?" He asked, as he snuggled up with me. lacing an arm over my waist as I moved my arms around him.

"Yes boo?" I asked, looking at his blue eyes that I have drown in, and would contnue for my life.

"If you could go back, would you?" He asked hesitantly, as I thought over the answer. I then smiled, as I gave him a quick kiss.

"I would do it all over again."


And that was the Epilogue. Sorry its short, but epilogues are arent they?

I just want to say thank you to all who read this, and will read this. I cant believe that I got that many veiw and vots, even though this is my first writing. I love you all so much, nd I hope you guys enjoyed my story!


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