Chapter 11

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___Chapter 11_______

Harrys POV

The boys and I were sitting in the lounge of the office building, waiting for Simon to talk to us about God knows what. Niall and Liam were sitting on the opposite of Louis and I, looking at each other with worry. Even with some of the love bites on there necks, there somewhat messed up hair, and the fact that some of there clothes were a little disheveled, there faces look pale and eyes had bags under them. I guess they are worried about there current situation. I mean, from what the boys tell me, Simon doesn't just ring us up at any minute for anything. So this must be important. Zayn, well Zayn was texting someone, but still had a very, very, slight look of nervousness. He must be wondering why we were brought here, and to be honest, I am too. I was sitting, Louis' head on my shoulder, as I rubbed small circles on his back. Despite the small scene we had earlier, he even looked worried, but, I wonder why. I mean, he cant just be like this unless he did something wrong.

Ugh! I'm so stupid! Of course he would worry! He always does because of what happened. I cant believe I forgot about that, and how broken up he must have been. No wonder he had been a Little nervous. Or maybe more, but I didn't really want to ask. The tension on the room was uncomfortable, not to mention the reason Simon had us come immediately, kind of sends you on edge.

"Boys, Simon is ready to talk to you." The receptionist at the desk announced. We all shot our heads up to look at her, but she was looking at me dead in the eye. She gave me a look of disgust, and then crinkled her nose. What did I do? She then looked back at her desk, scribbling something down. None of the boys noticed hopefully, because I had no idea what that was about.

We all got up, as Louis and I trailed behind Niall, Zayn and Liam. We followed them, in utter silence, until we had gotten in the hall way is when Louis whispered to me,so I was the only one to hear.

"What was that about with Lucy?" He asked, as I looked at him in confusion. Who is Lucy?

"The receptionist." He answered my UN said question, as I shrugged.

"No idea." I told him, as we were nearing the doors to his office. i have only been in there once, and I didn't really want to see it again. He looked down, as I turned away from the door. I saw him, as he look uncomfortable, and very jumpy. I put my arm around his shoulders, hoping it would calm him down. He jumped, then saw it was me then relaxed. Wow, did I really have that affect on him...?

"Hello boys." A very stern voice said, as the were directed to us. Simon looked at us, then pointed to the red plush seats infront of his desk. "Please, have a seat."

We all took our seats, as he started to speak.

""So, there has been some commotion on about Harry in the Paps. Harry... people are saying that you are gay," I stared at him dumbfounded, as Louis tensed up beside me. I... What.. How...?," But was caught flirting with Miss Flack at the interview. So Harry, care to explain?" He asked, his voice not hard, but not soft either. I stared at him, baffled. How did this get in the press? Or better yet, how did they find out? I gulped, looking down from the rest of the band. I don't think I can see the disgust on there face, or on Simon's.

"Harry, are you gay or not?" He pressed, as his voice filled with... what? I couldn't place it. I looked up at him, only to find him staring at Louis. I looked at him in confusion, until I looked at Louis. He looked like he was on the brink of making a flood right here in the office. It was rather a big office too.

"Harry?" He pressed, irritation growing in his voice. Oh, no, shouldn't irritate Simon.

"I-I.... Yes, Simon. I am." I whispered, weakly, waiting for the yelling.I closed my eyes, waiting, I flinched, as I heard a noise, but nothing came.. I looked up hesitantly at Simon, to whom he wore a blank expression. Nothing showing. But then again, that's Simon's normal face.

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