1. Lance / Keith

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Lance stared at the mirror as he straightened his hair. He put the straightener on the countertop, and begane looking for a comb, as he had knots in it.

Suddenly he felt a warm trickle down his face. He looked in the mirror and gasped as he saw he had a bloody nose, "Mierda!" He yelped.

He quickly wiped away the blood, but it kept coming. He eventually got tired of repeating that, so he twisted two tissues and stuck them in his nostrils. He quickly got dressed and went to seek Allura out. Turns out she was in the kitchen, and so was everyone else.

"Lance you-" Pidge paused as she saw his hand over his face, covering the bloodying tissues. He leaned forward so the blood flowed freely. Better now than later. "Lance are you okay?" She asked.

"Allura," Lance adressed the princess, turning to her. "Is there any humidity in the air? I think the air is too dry.."

"What do you mean, Lance?" He removed his hand to show his face. Everyone was trying not to laugh at the tissues in his face, but were mostly concerned.

"Oh my gosh, Lance! It looks like you need more tissues!" Shiro stated the obvious as he walked towards the cabinets. Hunk looked at Lance nervously, "Lance, bud, this castle is advanced tech. I am pretty sure it knows what to do with air. Anyways, the air is fine. Do you think it is y-"

"No. It's just a nosebleed." He told him sternly. The others looked at Lance. "Bu-", Hunk began "Hunk I said nO." Lance told him angrily. Everyone looked shocked, and Pidge looked like she knew something was up, just not whAt.

"Okay, Lance.." Hunk assured, even though everyone knew he would not let the secret topic between the friends go.

Lance cleaned up the rest of his nosebleed and sat down at the table in his place next to Keith after getting a bowl of space goo. He pushed his food around for a few minutes before sighing, defeated, and pushing it away.

"Are you not hungry, my boy?" Coran asked. "No. I'm sorry, but I've lost my appetite." Lance replied, glumly. Keith sat there and continued eating. He didn't look or talk, but he heard what was happening. He had to admit even he was curious on what had made him lose his appetite and Hunk to look so worried (well more worried than usual).

Lance stood up and dumped his wasted food, before leaving the room to god knows where. Hunk stood as well, but Shiro stopped him. "Hunk, I'm sorry, but whatever you said to Lance clearly upset him. I would give him some space."

"But we are IN space!" Hunk whined. Shiro gave him the i-am-your-dad-and-am-very-disappointed-in-you stare so Hunk plopped back down and pouted. "Why is he upset in the first place? You didn't even say anything bad." Pidge questioned.

"Nothing." Hunk spat, angry. Pidge shrank in her seat and Hunk realized his mistake. "Oh, I am sorry, Pidge, but I just don't want Lance doing anything stupid is all.." Hunk apologized.

When is he not doing something stupid? Keith thought, but the tone in Hunk's voice is serious. What is he talking about? Keith wondered as he finished his food. He immediately walked towards the training room.

When he got there, however, he saw Lance. To say he surprised was an understatement. He watched him train, for he knew that is he distracted Lance it would cost the boy an injury. Lance avoided attacks swiftly, until the driod faked right and slid it's leg across Lance's, sweeping him onto the floor. Lance gasped when he hit the floor and grunted a quick, "end training sequence!"

I waited for Lance to get up, but I began to get worried when he didn't. Hebsat there with his eyebrows furrowed and mouth pulled tight into a pained expression. Did je hirt himself that bad? Did he land on something wrongly?

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