5. Lance / Shiro

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This doesn't follow the season 4 plot

"mijo!" Mama Mcclain yelled and ran towards her son. The bruised boy was crying. "What happened! Are you okay?" She panicked. "Mama I felled!" He sobbed. "from where!?" She cried. Lance pointed to his little step stool that was only 1 inch tall. "did you get pushed, honey? That wasn't much of a fall.." She asked worriedly. "no, mama, I just felled." He whined.

Either way, Lance was put in bed and did not go to Kindergarten the next day.

Then, around the age 10, the nosebleeds started happening. At random times Lance would have bad nosebleeds. He always had a few tissues with him. Just in case. They changed the temp at the house. Got humidifiers. People got nosebleeds all of the time due to dry air. Although everyone thought the air was fine, they did it for Lance.

Lance had fever all of the time. Everyone was worried for their family member. Later, at age 12, Lance started taking several showers a day. When asked why he said, "i always stink!" His mother laughed it off, "Mijo, it's part of puberty." Cue his younger siblings laughing and ewing at him.

At 13, everyone became worried when they noticed Lance lose weight. They knew he was eating because they were there with him. They always ate as a family. His mama was done with it all, and finally took Lance to the hospital. She told the doctors what happened over the years. They brought her outside of the room and talked to her. They would do x-rays to make sure their hunch isn't correct.

They didn't want to tell her because if they were wrong, then the didn't want her worrying. After x-rays, they walked over. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Mcclain, but it seems like your son has Leukemia." Her eyes widened, "But isn't that a type of- of.." "Yes, it is a type of cancer." Tears spilled from her eyes. this can not be happening. Can it? "Will he die?" She asked shakily.

"it's possible," she took an intake of breathe, "but it is treatable." they told her. She instantly said yes, she would do whatever she could to help her son.

That same year, Lance made a new friend. Hunk was a bigger boy with an even bigger heart. Lance had started to become reserved since he found out about his sickness, but Hunk seemed to have pulled him from his shell.

A year later, they started treatment. Lance went through months on and off chemo and radiation. It was hard for Lance when his hair first started falling out. He was disgusted with himself and found no part of what was in the mirror attractive.

At 17, Hunk and Lance both got accepted to go to the Galaxy Garrison. The Mcclains owed money from loans, since they didn't have the money for Lance's treatment at the time. Lance hoped that by going to the Garrison that he could help his family.

No one other than Hunk and the teachers knew of Lance's past condition. No one gave him pity or made it any easier for him. When he first came, he was still weak, so it was hard for him to do things. He was always made fun of for being so weak, but Hunk told him that once he regains his strength he could show them all. Lance liked that idea.

Then he met Keith. Keith Kogane was the definition of perfection. Lance envied him for that. Every girl and even a few guys would swoon over him whenever he walked in the hallways. He had looks, intellect, and muscle. He was sort of a role model for Lance. He wanted to be like Keith.

Then Keith left, and it became worst for him. He became fighter class, which made it hard, and everyone knew him as "keith's replacement". That's all he ever was. Even now, he flys Red only because Keith had to step up and become leader.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to reach Keith. I guess when Keith left it left a hole in Keith. Sorrow? Anger? That was when Lance's hatred bloomed.

He hated Keith for leaving the Garrison and making Lance who he was then. He hated Keith for being better at everything than him. He hated him for- he didn't know. Lance didn't even know if he really hated the mullet boy.

Lance sighed and lie back, deciding he shouldn't fret over it right now. With Hunk's worries (although he won't admit it) he became worried, too. Now he should just sleep. It was already super late.

Shiro saw the lights from above, and Matt began to yell. The three of them scrambled away, but were caught anyways. When Shiro woke up later he was tied to an experimental table. A hooded figure stood next to him prodding at his arm with almost talon like nails.

He flinched back and began to yell, "who are you? Where am I? Where is Sam and Matt!?" The figure pushed their nails into his arm, drawing blood. Shiro yelped but the woman just shushed him quietly. "Who are they? Are they the two you were with?" It asked.

From the voice, Shiro concluded that it was a woman. "Yes! Please, please you have to get me out of here! Where are we? Are we back on Earth?" He asked her. She pulled her hood down and Shiro gasped. She had violet skin, glowing yellow eyes, and red marking on her face. "...Earth?" She asked.

Shiro began to shake the more he looked at her. This woman was not from Earth. Who was she?! She suddenly grumbled a low "I must tell Zarkon." Before walking out. Shiro sighed gratefully before looking around for an escape. He noticed a table with knifes next to him.

If he could get there then he could free himself, find Sam and Matt, and get the hell out if here. Just as he was going to put his plant into action, the door opened-

Shiro shot up, panting heavily. He jad that same god damn dream again. Every night he got closer and closer to figuring it out, but he always woke up. It was a blessing because no one wants to be stuck in a nightmare, but at the same time not because he needed to know what happens next. It's always the same.

He sighed and sat up. He took another few deep breathes before sloely standing up and walking out, towards the training room. He needed to get his mind off of this.


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Ugh. I am so so so sorry for not updating! I finally brought myself to write another chapter. I will try to write chapters ahead of time, so I don't keep y'all waiting for too long.

I wanted to address Lance's leukemia really quickly though. I know it is rushed and incorrect, but I do not have it nor do I know anybody that has it. I got all of my information from google, so yeah, it's bad. I'm sorry.


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