2. Pidge

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Pidge had been curious since yesterday's strange encounter with the yellow and blue paladins. She considered asking what happened after it had happened, but Hunk was clearly not in the mood.

She thought she was close to the two of them, since they were known as the 'garrison trio', but apparently tgey didn't trust her enough. That hurts, having friends, and knowing they don't trust you.

She of course did not want to make a big deal out of things, but she thought of it sort of unfair to not tell her. They were best friends right? She wasn't saying that her friends had to tell her everything that happens in their life, but it was clearly important, so she thought she could at least know.

She thought of their times in garrison. All those times Lance had stuck up for her and all those times she was in a bad mood and her mouth filter wasn't working. She laughed at all those times threw up on the pilot simulations.

They had grown so close. Pidge didn't know what to do with her feelings towards Hunk. She had hoped that they would fade away, but when she saw him clearly falling head over heels for Shay she knew they wouldn't. It left a bitter taste in her mouth and made her angry. She would cry sometimes because she felt guilty for being mad at Shay for taking away something away something that wasn't hers to begin with.

She felt guilty because, as his friend, she knew she should be happy for him, but she just couldn't find it in her to be happy for her bestfriend. It hurt, of course, but she definitely wasn't going to tell him. She knew Hunk would stop seeing Shay because he is a great friend, and doesn't want her to be upset. Even if it makes him unhappy.

She knew Hunk. He cared about her, she knew that. He would do anything for her. He would cuddle her or hug her if she asked. He would give her kisses on her forehead and she felt like flying. They were so full of love, everything he did towards her. But then she fell from the sky and hit the reality that the love he felt for her was not the love she felt for him.

Pidge felt herself begin to shake and she changed the topic in her mind. It still sat in the back of her head, taunting her, but she was used to it by now. Lance was the goofball of their family. He always knew how to make someone feel better. He would sacrafice himself for his friends and was way smarter than people gave him credit for. She thought of Lance as another older brother. He of course would never replace Matt.


She missed her family. She hated this paladin shit. Everyone here missed their family, but they knew that their family was safe on Earth. She had no idea where her family, and the best bet she had was worst than what she hoped. She hoped her family wasn't with the galra. She hoped they weren't being tortured, fighting in the arena, or dead. She hoped with all of her being that they had somehow gotten away. Matt and her dad. She wanted them so badly to be home. Safe. Not fighting an intergalactic war.

Thoughts of her family haunted her every move. Everything she did, everything she said, reminded her of her family. Wondered if they were alive or not. She worried about her mother, too. She was all alone in the world. Her husband and son goes missing, assumed dead. Then later, her daughter goes missing as well. Pidge wondered if her mom has held funerals for all of them? Did she remarry? God she hoped not. Just wait, mom. Just wait. she thought.

She walked into Green's cockpit and sat into the seat. "Hey, Green.." she started, "listen. I'm sorry I don't come in here as much as I used to and I am sorry, but I need to ask for a favor." She felt a pique of interest prod her mind. "Well I just wanted to know. Are you a good listener?" A soothing sensation passed over her and she smiled. "Thanks girl. So anyways.." she talked and talked about her worry for her family and the team. She talked about Lance and Hunk (mostly Hunk).

Pidge walked towards the living area, where she keeps her computer, when she heard urgent, hushed voices. "Lance!" Someone whisper-yelled, "I am not telling you again! If you don't want to tell the others at least let Allura look at you!" "Hunk I told you that it wasn't that!" Came the urgent reply. When she found out who it was she sneaked closer to them. Also, since they were obviosly hiding something, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, Lance, if you are so sure then check it out! What if it is? What are you going to do then?" Hunk asked. "Buddy you and I both know I am clean! I have been for a long time!" Lance pleaded with his best friend. "That didn't stop it last time now did it?!" Came the nasty reply. Pidge's eyes widened at the tone she had never heard before. She heard stomping footsteps going, luckily, the other way.

"Wha- Hunk!" Pidge risked a glance around the corner to see Hunk practically marching down the hall while Lance stood there, dumbfounded. Lance's face suddenly crumbled and she felt pity for him. Lance leant against the wall and looked up. He put his face into his hands and slid onto the floor.

Pidge wanted to go to him for comfort, but then she knew that he would be angry with her eavesdropping. He would be more careful after and she wouldn't learn anything else. Right as she was going to leave, Lance stood up and walked her way. She quickly looked around, and hid in a dark corner a bit to her right.

Lance sped by and she heard a door slam a ways away. She sighed a breath of relief after he had left, although she felt a bit guilty. "Y'know it's not nice to eavesdrop." Pidge jumped at the sudden voice. "Keith!" She started to explain, "I wasn't eavesdropping! I was just- uhh-" "eavesdropping?" He guessed. "What! I uh- yeah. Fine. I was eavesdropping."

Keith smiled and shook his head. "That can get you into some serious trouble, pidgeon.." she laughed in amusement at the name he frequently used. "Yeah, whatever, keef." She shot back. Keith suddenly fell to the floor and she got worroed before he opened his overdramatoc mouth. "Ouch, Pidgeon! That hurt my feelings so mucH!" He started rolling on the floor.

"Ow ow ow Pidgey do you have a bandaid?" Pidge smiled and rolled her eyes. "If it hurts that bad I hope you bleed out or something. If you are even bleeding?" "Hey!" Keith jumped up in offense, "alright, Pidge. I'll remember this next time you want me to stay up all night with you to talk of conspiracy theories.." he marched away.

She rolled her eyes at her overdramatic, sarcastic friend. Pidge smiled as she walked away. Sometimes when she was upset she didn't always want to go to Hunk or Lance. She might have to always come to Keith. Even though he didn't know it, the mulletman always knew how to make Pidge happy.

*claps* u p d a t e !!
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