3. Hunk

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;););) (i'm making Hunk hawaiian in this uM)

As much as Hunk was worried about Lance and his health, he still could not forget about his own problems. He sat on the edge of the bed, his feet planted firmly on the ground, and his face hidden in his hands. He stressed about Lance, about the the team, about the whole universe.

His thoughts then trailed to his family. Most importantly, his grandmother. Leonora (Leonola) was the best thing to ever happen to him. When his parents were not there for him, she was. She was always someone he could depend on, someone he could trust. Hunk knew that she would drop everything if it meant helping him.

She was so beautiful. All of Hunk's siblings thought she was mean, but he did not. She was stern and strict, yes, but not mean. She was possibly the most loving person he knows, and probably will know.

(This is a picture of my GREAT grandmother oops her name is Leonola, but lets just pretend she's Hunk's grandma)

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(This is a picture of my GREAT grandmother oops her name is Leonola, but lets just pretend she's Hunk's grandma)

Freezing, Hunk wrapped his blanket around him. He was beyond sad over the fact that there was a chance he would never see his family again. His mom, dad, 2 brothers, and sister. His grandmother. He was scared, too. What if he gets back to Earth and he can't find his family? What if they thought he was dead? What if when he gets back his grandmother is dead?

Hunk wanted nothing more than for Shay to bust his door down and hold him. She was so sweet and always knew what to say to soothe him. He wished there were phones in space, so that even if she couldn't be there, he could still hear her voice.

Hunk worried constantly that one day, Shay would realize that he was not good enough for her. He couldn't give her much or do much for her. Everytime they saw eachother he knew she was going to leave him. Disown him. But she didn't and Hunk didn't understand that.

He also wanted to talk to someone about his worries. To get them off his chest. He would do that, but he was so scared people would judge him. Tell him he's being overdramatic, a baby, everyone is going through this so why should we worry about just you?

There was only two people he knew would never judge him. That was Shay and Lance. Shay was currently unavailable, and Hunk didn't want to burden Lance with his problems at the moment. Even if Lance denied it, Hunk had suspicions.

Hunk was probably being overdramatic, true, because it was just a nosebleed right? You are correct
But he couldn't help but worry for his life long best friend. They've been through thicc and thin together. They have been through hell and back, and they always did so at eachothers sides.

Hunk sighed before laying down, facing the ceiling. "Today was fairly good, if not stressful, but when is it not?" He laughed. "I think I will drop the subject for now because I do think I am being overdramatic. But I can't help but worry you know? It was rough. I thou-" Hunk tried to swallow the growing lump in his throat. "I thought I was going to lose hi-im. I can't lose my best friend."

Hunk didn't notice the tears until they fell onto his lips, the salt a contrast to the stale air. He sighed again, "I know I should be thankful, and trust me I am, but I am also scared. Heck, I'm scared all the time! Everyday I am so god darn scared that I will die. So scared that I will see a friend die. What if we go back to Earth, and there is no Earth to go back to? What if i get captured by the galra? What if my friends get captured by the galra? I don't understand why I am even a paladin." He took a shaky breathe before continuing,

"I am not like the others. I am not brave. I'm not tough. Not as physically capable. I am weak. A burden. I know that I hold the team back. I am a mechanic, okay. But who needs a mechanic here? They have Pidge! She's so smart. I may have more smarts than others but since they have Pidge, who is much smarter than me, than what am I here for?"

Hunk got stressed over the one-sided conversation. He loved talking to the ceiling. It never made him worry that he was talking or complaining to much. The ceiling never judged him or interupted him. The ceiling was a great listener, and just like his grandmother, he could always count on it being there for him.

So he talked, talked, and talked for hours. He paused several times and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. He talked about this and that. Who, what, when, where, why, amd how. He talked all night until eventually he fell alseep. That night, with all his worries off his chest, he fell into a peaceful sleep. Because again, the ceiling is a great listener.

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