8. Lance / Keith

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Lance's eyes slowly fluttered open, and he pushed the blankets off of himself and swung his legs to the side of the bed, forcing himself up. His head began to swim and he squeezed his eyes as a piercing headache formed. He lay back down on his bed, and he took notice of a queasy feeling in his stomach.

"God.." he grumbled aloud. It was hot, like really hot. He pushed the blue comforter off of himself with his feet, causing it to fall to the floor. It instantly became cold again and he whined, crawling to the foot of the bed on his hands and knees. After grabbing the blanket, he fell back onto the pillow and pulled the blanket back over his shivering body.

Lance was seriously contemplating death when he became hot again. He carefully pulled the blanket aside, being sure to have exactly half of his body covered and the other not. Sighing, he closed his eyes again, slowly falling back into a peaceful slumber. He makes a clear noise of anger and annoyance, though, once a knock on the door bothers him

"What?!" He yells grumpily. The door opens slowly and he is surprised to see Keith peeking at him over the wall. "Oh. Sorry, were you sleeping?" Keith asked nervously. Lance raises an eyebrow at him, but slowly shook his head. "No. I was awake. Did you need something?" Lance asked and sat back up, body swaying slightly. "Oh, uh- Hunk asked me to come get you for breakfast." Keith looked away, looking nervous again. 

"Dude, are you okay?" Lance asked slightly. Keith looked down at his twiddling fingers. "Um, Sorry." He apologized. "Wait. What? For what?" Keith sighed like this was the hardest thing he's ever done, which for him, it was. "For snapping at you yesterday. And for, uh, every time before that." Lance eyes widened. "wait. Seriously?" He asked for conformation. "Yes. We should make our way to breakfast." Keith said and looked down slightly. Once he did he flushed red and looked up quickly before quickly bolting away.

Lance was confused until he looked down as well and found himself shirtless. He chuckled slightly and smirked. Keith Kogane, were you checking me out? He stood up and swayed, though more this time. He shook his head before slowly pulling his shirt on due to the feeling of nausea that settled deep in his core. Lance stumbled his way down the long corridors and into the dining room. Pidge was placing plates and such on the table when she noticed him. "Oh hey, Lance, finally deciding to join us?" She asked smirking. 

He wasn't really in the mood for her teasing today, so he just apologized and slowly eased himself into the chair next to Keith. His eyes were closed, so he didn't notice everyone staring as he slowly blew out air. A hand touched his shoulder and he flinched, "Hey, buddy, you alright?" Hunk asked as he placed a plate of food in front of him. "Yeah I'm fine. Just- yesterday took a lot out of me." He smiled reassuringly.

Hunk returned the smile and placed everyone's food in front of them. Lance wasn't even hungry, but he didn't want to upset Hunk by not eating his food. And he most definitely didn't want to hear the "food gives you energy" rant by Shiro again, either. As he swallowed his first bite, he almost spit it back out. He didn't, though, and painfully took two more bites. He felt the food slowly go down his throat and into his stomach, and almost gagged.

His eyes unconsciously squeezed as he forced the food down, holding it down as it tried to come back out. Something cold touched his forehead, and he leaned into the cool feeling. "Jesus!" Someone yelled, and just as quickly as the cool presence came, it left. He opened his eyes with a frown and saw Keith's hand make it's way to his forehead once more. "Lance you're hot!" He yelled at him.

He weakly smirked, not really feeling it. "O'course I am.." Lance said, furrowing his brows as another wave of nausea hit him. "No! I mean like- like temperature. Are you okay?" Keith asked, holding onto Lance's shoulders as he swayed slightly. "Fine." Lance said again before falling off of his chair. "Lance!" Keith yelled as he fell to his knees and cradled the other in his arms. The others shot out f their chairs and towards the pair. "Uh, I think Lance is sick.." Keith mumbled.

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