9. Pidge / Lance / Keith

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Everyone sat in the commons area, still cooing over Lance and Keith snuggling. "It was so precious! I'm gonna cr- oh wait. Too late. I'm already crying!" Allura squealed as she wiped her watering eyes. Wow, I never would have thought Allura to be a fangirl. Shiro just had that proud dad look.

Hunk was slightly upset that he wasn't invited over for a cuddle session, but pushed it aside because he was happy for his friend. Even Coran was cooing. Pidge smiled at the photos and thought, I am totally using this as blackmail. She slipped out of the room and towards her lair. Aka the lab she claimed as her own and does all her work in.

Even she was happy for Lance. From the conversation she overheard, he was obviously going through something. Alone. She was glad that he had someone to be there for him, even if he won't admit that he actually doesn't like being so called "rivals" with Keith. She was even glad for Keith, though she didn't have the same feelings she had for Lance.

Lance and her didn't get along at first. He was loud, cocky, and straight up annoying. But once you got past all of those things, you find a completely different boy. He was kind, funny, and somewhat insecure. He will always be there for his friends, and everyone else before himself. Pidge felt so many emotions for him at once it was overwhelming.

At first she thought that she maybe had a crush on him. And she did, for a little bit at least. But she realized the love she felt for him was not that kind. She loved him as family. As a brother. Her heart clenched at the word "brother". 

Pidge liked to think of herself as a realist. After a particularly rough battle, she knew that she was most likely going to die up here in space. Either alone or with her team, as a paladin of Voltron. At first, the thought was upsetting, but by now she has accepted it and her fate. There was a slim chance that she made it back to Earth to be with he mother, though.

The more it was thought over, the smaller the chance that was. Even if she did, what would she tell her mom? 'Oh hey Mom! Sorry I've been gone for a while, but I was fighting a war and killing people. I have scars and everything. Lance and Hunk were there, too. You remember them, right? Anyways, the people we were fighting? They have Matt and Dad. I don't know if they are dead or not. Probably dead to be honest, but HEY, I'm back!' 

Yeah, no.

She stared at the computer screen. The screenshot of the camera feed has been haunting her for weeks. As glad as she was that Matt was not in fact dead it still left questions. Where was he? Where was her dad? Did he get away or did he get caught? Suddenly small green words popped up in the top left corner of her screen. "no no no nO NO" She yelled. What is it doing? Why is it doing that? 

The screen went blank before black, bold words appeared that read, "NOT FOUND". She rubbed her eyes and slammed her head on the desk before crying. She hated this. Being a paladin. Saving the universe. In all honesty, she just wanted to go home. Wake up in the morning and go downstairs to eat breakfast with Matt and their parents. God, she was so tired.

She has officially given up.

Lance woke up and instantly frowned. The bed felt bigger than usual, colder than normal. He turned and lo and behold, no Keith. It shouldn't have upset him the way it did. He flung the blankets to the side and stepped onto the ground. But before he could take more than a step, he tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor.

A gasp left him at the sheer pain the fall brought with it. It originated from his ankle and shot up his leg. He slowly stood up and limped down the halls, tears of pain, physical and emotional, fell.  Luckily no one was in the halls, and when he entered the kitchen no one was in there either. Well, except Hunk, but that was who he was looking for anyways.

Hunk turned around when he made a whimpering sound from the pain and rushed over to him. "Are you okay?" Hunk asked him, panicked. Lance shook his head and his friend picked him up and placed him onto a chair before stepping back and looking at looking at him with worry in his eyes. "Hunk, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He wailed as more tears fell, faster this time. 

"For what, buddy?" Hunk asked softly. "I'm sorry for being so dumb, but I'm so fucking scared!" Lance admitted in a shaky breath, "I don't want to die, yet. I'm not ready!" Hunk's eyes widened and tears of his own were falling down his dark cheeks. "I never wanted this Hunk. I never wanted to become a paladin of Voltron. All I ever wanted was to grow old with the love of my life and have a family and watch our kids grow old. I wanted to have a life,"

He took a breathe before continuing. "I wanted all of that domestic stuff. That love. I'm not ready to die. I can't. And the sad part of it is, I'm not even going to die with honor, while fighting a war. I'm going to die slowly, in pain. All because fucking Cancer." He placed his face into Hunk's shoulder and sobbed. Hunk wrapped his arms around him and tugged him close as they both cried.

Keith took a step back and ran. He didn't know where he was going, as long as he got away from there, from the truth. His footsteps slowed and he found himself in front of his room. The door was locked behind in once he walked in and he landed face first into his pillow and let out a muffled scream. Him and Lance just had a bonding moment. That is like, the biggest declaration of friendship! 

And they were finally getting along, too. He finally no longer felt that heavy pressure in his chest since he and Lance started getting closer. But Life just had to bite him in the ass one last time, huh? First his mom, next his dad, then Shiro, and now Lance too? Everyone he cares about leaves.He lifted his face from the pillow, and instead brought it close to him and hugged it. Keith realized something. He could not live without Lance Mcclain.

Not without that perfect skin, dazzling smile, star filled eyes, and perfect body. Not without the corny jokes, the homesickness, the comfort. Keith could not live without the love of his lif-

Well shit.

oh hello. sorry i keep dying. i really try not to T-T this was going to come out earlier, but it didn't save so I rewrote it and then BAM. here you go. bye *waves*

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