7. Pidge / Coran

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Pidge squinted at the picture of her brother with other aliens. This was from the security camers of a Galran ship. Where's dad? She zoomed in on the picture. Maybe she could see if Coran and Allura knew the spieces of the alien? She could see if they knew where he was.

Suddenly the computer screen blanked out and turned black. Big red letters appeared on the screen and read, "error! error! error!" Katie felt her face heat up in anger. "No!" She yelled as frustrated tears formed in her eyes and clouded her vision. "No! No no no no.. no." She placed her head in her hands and sobbed.

I'm sorry, Matt. I'm trying to find you and dad. I am.

She had a memory appear in her brain.

"You know what you remind me of?" Matt asked as he welcomed himself into her room, smiling devilishly. "What? I'm trying to do something!" She snapped at him, but her angry demeanour did nothing to diminish the living meme that is Mattew Holt.

"A pidgeon." He told her matter of factly. Her hands froze and she looked at her brother with her best i-am-so-dead-inside stare. "A pidgeon?" She repeated. "Yes." He confirmed. "Uh- why a pidgeon?" She asked skeptically.

He walked over to her and placed his elbow on her shoulder. "Well, dear sister of mine, you are small and cute," she raised an eyebrow. "And if anyone tries to take your food or mess with you, I'm sure you'd nust peck 'em to death." She snorted amd shooed him out and slammed the door.

"Aww, Piiiiiiiiiidge!" He whined in protest. "Go away!" She yelled angrily while smiling. "But I looooooove you!" He cried dramatically. She huffed and smiled, "love you too, dork. And hey! Don't call me that! I take it back. I love you -5300."

She smiled at the memory. I will get you back Matt. I promise. She thought as she reopened the laptop with newfound determination.

Coran walked into the room of the blue paladin with a box of medical supplies to find him shirtless, and wincing while prodding at wounds.

"Oh. Coran." Lance gasped once he realized he had a visitor. Lance grabbed the comforter and covered up the scabs and bruises, but Coran just shook his head.

"I'm here to tend to your wounds, since you obviously didn't want to go into a pod." Coran smiled at him and sat the box next to Lance, and bending down on the floor.

He pulled up the pant leg of the other and gasped. The gash was still there and was infected now. "Lance, you need to get into a pod." Coran told him and shook his head. Lance looked down into his lap and whispered "..no."

"Lance you need a pod! Look how battered you are. You got it worst than any of the other paladins." Coran demanded. Lance shook his head once more. What has gotten into this boy?!

Lance swung his legs back and forth and smiled grimly. "Hey, Coran?" He asked suddenly. The Altean looked up at him and hummed in recognition. "I don't want a pod. I'm scared." Scared of what exactly?

"Scared of what, my boy?" Coran spoke out his thoughts. "I'm sick." Lance said it as if it were a joke. Coran pulled his lips into a flat line and brought his hand to Lance's forehead. (Something humans do to check temperature.)

"You're temperature has not risen though. Do you mean sick mentally?" He asked. Lance laughed and shook his head. "No. Well- sorta? But no. I have Cancer." "What is that? Some kind of Earth sickness?" Coran asked.

Where have I heard or seen that word before? It seems familiar.

"Yeah, except it's like- you can't take anything and expect it to go away. You have to do specific things. Mine comes back apparently. Last time I was in a pod it showed on the screen, right?" Lance raised an eyebrow at the mustachioed man.

"Oh! Yes! I believe it was on there. Although I didn't know what it meant. How long until it goes away again?" He asked. "No no no, Coran. It doesn't go away. Not unless I'm on Earth. But I can't exactly go there with a universe to save, now can I?" Coran sighed, "will you be okay?"

Lance's smile fell and his eyes watered. "I don't know Coran. I was hoping to God that the pod would fix me, but no. I don't want to go back in there. What if someone sees it? Then they will know I have Cancer. But I'm so scared. Coran, most people who get cancer... they die."


They die? No. Another one of my sons can't die. I can't go through that again.

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