4. Keith

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Keith was training when he heard the doors swoosh open. He risked a sideways glance and saw Shiro walking up to him. "Stop training sequence." Shiro told the room. The bot then sunk into the floor, and Keith stood straight and wiped sweat from his brow.

"Oh, uh, hey Shiro. something you need?" Keith wondered. "Oh I just wanted to say hi. But since you are already here, do you want to train together?" Shiro asked. Keith thought it over for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah, sure.."

Keith grunted as Shiro pushed forwards. He tried to use his sword to push Shiro back, but Shiro was stronger. Keith was pushed to the floor and was breathing hard. "ha.. ha.. welp. I lose. Again.." Keith panted. Shiro chuckled before holding a hand out for Keith.

Keith pulled himself up and bend forward, placing his hands on his knees, so he could catch his breathe. "Okay," Shiro breathed, "the real reason I came here is because I wanted to talk.." Keith shifted uncomfortably, "about what?" He asked nervously. "You." Shiro replied.

The red paladin stood up straighter and crossed his arms, "what about me?" Shiro looked at him, "...are you okay, Keith?" he asked concerned. Keith chuckled a bit at the question. "Shiro, when am I ever?" Shiro gave him another worried look, "but don't worry. I am getting better. So if you want to know if I am doing it again? The answer is no.."

Shiro smiled, "well that's good, I guess. You'll come talk to me if you needed to, though, right?" "of course, Shiro. No one else would understand anyways." He laughed. Shiro gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder before walking out. Keith sighed and walked out as well, and went to the dining table.

He had a routine, and if he was correct, Hunk was just about to call for dinner. He felt a pang in his chest and he slowed down a bit. Suddenly, he had the sudden urge to cry. A lump had formed its way into his throat and he swallowed hard. God I hope this dinner goes by fast, Keith thought as he sat down.

Hunk turned and greeted him. He didn't trust his voice, so he simply smiled and gave him an acknowledging nod. Everyone piled in a few minutes later. Well, everyone except a certain blue paladin. We decided to just start without him, and began eating. Everyone made small talk, but Keith just sat there quietly. He hadn't even touched his food yet.

Hunk suddenly stood up, "I- uh- I'm going to go check on Lance. Brb." he walked out of the room and into the halls. Keith stared at his food, contemplating if he should strike a conversation or not. "Hey, Keith? Are you okay? You haven't touched your food." Allura inquired. He looked up, surprised. "I- yeah, just not hungry. I'm tired too, so I will head off to bed." Keith flinched at hw hoarse his voice sounded.

Shiro gave him the look from across the table when he stood up and pushed his chair in. He put his hands on the table, ready to stand as well, but Keith shook his head. Keith left without another word. He rushed down the halls as he felt tears form in his eyes, and his throat close even tighter into an almost painful feeling.

He ran into his room and slammed the door, locking it. Leaning against the door, he slowly slid down the wall and onto the floor. "god.." Keith mumbled and pulled his knees up, crossing his arms over them, and hiding his face in them. "god.." he mumbled again.

Why am I like this? I can't even walk down the halls without crying like a baby. Oh god,, I'm such a mess. I can't do anything right can I? Ugh. Keith stood up and sat on his bed, smothering himself in several blankets. He stared at the ceiling, and began talking,

"Hey there, It's me,,, again. Sorry I always bother you ceiling, but you are the only person I can talk to and not have to worry about being judged." He laughed. Here he was, talking to the ceiling. "so, things haven't been great. Well, actually, they have. I guess it's me that's not doing great. Things have been going great, which makes me feel guilty. I mean, why am I even sad? There's nothing to be sad about! I am a defender of the universe! I should be gloating, not whining.. " He took a deep breathe before continuing,

"and I feel like I should be way up here," he reached for the ceiling, " but I feel way down here." he touched the ground. "God, I feel so low. And it sucks because I see everyone interacting. I see Lance joking with Hunk, Pidge scheming with Lance, Hunk and Pidge working, Shiro and Allura and Coran planning and discussing. And honestly, I want that. I want to talk to people, but everytime I think I am ready, it hits me. I can't breathe, can't move."

"And it hurts, because when someone is being nice, and for once thinks 'hey! I want to be friends with him!' I push them away. I don't know why I'm that way. Maybe i'm naturally untrusting because my mom l-left me?" his voice cracked and tears started falling again. "I guess.. I have some walls up...." Keith let out a soft laugh, trying to make himself feel better.

But trying to make himself feel better made it worst, because he knew he was the only one able to do it. No one was ever there for him when he needed it. Hell, no one was ever there in general. He covered his face with his arm because, even though he was in his room, he felt embarrassed to be crying out in the open. Keith didn't want to, but god did it hurt.

He laughed at himself thinking of a few minutes prior. He used to always do it at the garrison. The ceiling never interrupted him or judged him. No matter how ridiculous he sounded. Old habits never die, I guess. he thought. Keith rubbed his eyes and looked to the side of him, where a familiar glint caught his eye.

He picked up the blade and thought about what it meant for him. He was galran. The same race that was slowly taking over the universe in the most brutal way. The same race that had destroyed Allura's home and all of it's people. The same race that made the paladins think of him differently. He hated his parents for creating something like him. He mostly hated himself for being that beast. He hated it so much.

Everyone thought he didn't notice, but he did, He noticed how every so often, Hunk would give him nervous glances, as if we would prance at any given moment. He noticed how sometimes, Pidge would give him this murderous glare, and he knew she was thinking of her family. He noticed how even Shiro would give him petrified looks, no doubt thinking of his time as a galran prisoner. The champion,

He noticed how all of the time Allura would look at him with this disgusted face. Mostly when she thought he wasn't looking, but she has given him it a few times to his face. He noticed the sort of nervous glances from Coran, but mostly pity. He didn't know which was worst. He noticed how- wait. Lance never gave him any strange faces. This one time, though, he gave him a sad, but comforting smile.

Keith didn't exactly know how to feel about that. It confused him, since he always thought Lance hated him. I mean, Lance did claim them as rivals. Maybe Lance was just more open-minded than the others? Lance had a big family so a lot of strange things probably happened. Maybe that was why? But maybe it wasn't. Keith shifted into a more comfortable position and closed his eyes. The world may never know. Anyways, he was done for the day. Just like after every good ol' cry, he was exhausted, and fell asleep quite quickly.

who should the next chapter be focused on?

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