13. Hunk / Lance

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Hunk roamed down the halls of the castle in a state of calm. He walked into the kitchen and started on breakfast as usual. Something told him that today was going to be a good day.

He woke up earlier than usual, and for some reason, he wasn't upset over the loss of sleep. A quick shower started off his day. Since then, he's felt calm and relaxed. Refreshed.

And Hunk always prides himself in the way his gut feeling is always right. His gut always knows when there is danger, even before anyone else does, or he himself does. So why would the good things be any different?

Nevermind. There is a definitely a difference between good and bad things. For example, good is what you want, and bad is what you don't want. And Hunk can tell you, he did NOT want something like this to happen to early. Forget his gut feeling, because it is a dirty, filthy liar.

It started like this. Keith ran into the kitchen holding a sobbing Lance in his arms. Now you can see how that instantly set Hunk on alert right? Well, he ran over to the two and started panicking.

He was asking who, what, when, where, why, and how. Some answers he got straight from looking at the situation, but he had to question an also close to panicking and tears Keith.

The who was Lance obviously. What? Lance was in PAIN. When? This morning, only a few minutes prior to when Keith burst through the kitchen doors. Where? In Lance's leg is where it hurt, and in Lance's bed is where it started.

Why? Well, Lance has leukemia. He is experiencing bone or joint pain that results from the bone marrow being overcrowded with leukemia cells. Also tue fact that bruises are just splattered all over his left leg.

How? Well, the why pretty much answers that. Now that Hunk has basic knowledge of the situation, he can now choose what to do. Bring the team into this, or keep it between them and Coran.

He feels as if Lance should have the say so. "Hey. Lance, I need you to calm down for a minute. Can you do that for me?" Hunk asks softly, taking Lance away from Keith. Lance barely nods, before Hunk is taking Lance's hand and placing it over his own stomach.

"Feel my breathing? I need you to breathe with me- yeah, that's it. Just a little bit longer." Once Lance finally calms down, Hunk adresses the problem. "Lance, do you want the team know or do you just want to go to Coran again?"

Lance casts a fearful look towards Keith, and in turn receives an encouraging smile. "Um, I think they should know. Since it's getting worst, you know? Who knows how long..." Lance doesn't finish his sentence, but he and Keith get it.

Keith grabs Lance's hand and frets over him the whole way to the medical bay. If Hunk was being honest, it made walking harder, but he didn't want any time to be taken from them. Any and all moments were precious.

Once in the medbay, Keith took Lance away again, and asked Hunk to collect everyone. As the door slid behind him, Hunk paused for a moment. It's time, he thought. It's time.

He ended up finding everyone in the kitchen, patiently waiting for their breakfast and making small talk. A small part of his heart felt like crumbling at the sight. They don't know.

They are going about their day like normal, completely unaware that something terrible is happening. Hunk sighed before entering solemnly. When everyone tool notice of him, they instantly tensed up, sensing the change in the atmosphere.

"Hey, guys? There's, uh, something that Lance and I want to tell you. Could you come with me to the medical bay?" Pidge and Allura shared a confused look, whilst Coran looked down.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Shiro asked frantically. "And where's Keith?" He added. "He's already there," Hunk assured him, "just come on please." The walk back was tense and awkward, confused. For Hunk, it was just sad.

Everyone's day was about to be spoiled with bad news. But, Hunk thinks, it's time they know. When they enter, they hear Lance saying the word "wanna" before he stops abruptly at their appearance.

The team immediately fuss over him. His bruised leg and his red, tear stained face make it that obvious something is wrong. Keith tells them to back up, that they are going to overwhelm him.

Here goes nothing, Lance thinks. He looks to Keith for comfort. Keith intertwines their fingers and squeezes, letting him know that he is there. Everyone takes attentive notice to thos, but decides not to mention it just yet. They could all tell that now was not the time.

"So," Lance starts, taking a deep breath, "I'm dying." He finishes. Nobody says anything for a minute, just sitting there. Then all of the sudden the room explodes. "WHAT!?" "ARE YOU OKAY!?" "WHAT HAPPENED?!" "DO YOU NEED A POD?!"

"Guys!" Keith yells over the noise and everyone shuts up immediately. "Yeah, so I'm dying. And first off, I don't need a pod because a pod can't fix it, and I feel as if I'm going to die soon anyways." Lance continues. Keith pulls their intertwined hands and kisses Lances knuckles before bringing them back down.

"Am I okay? Well, to be honest I could be doing better," he laughs, "What happened? Well, as a kid I struggles with leukemia. I did a lot of chemo. Even into my teenage years. And chemo helped. But it can't just cure cancer.

So here I am. I have it badly again. Maybe worst then I've ever had it before, and we're not even on Earth anymore. So yeah. Hurts like a bitch. Is a bitch. I don't even know how mucg longer I have to live." Keith has heard this story before, but it still hurts. He puts his face into Lance's shoulder to hide the fresh onslaught of tears.

Lance senses this and places his hand into Keith's hair, softly massaging his scalp. And maybe if he wasn't too busy being a huge ass sap, then he would've noticed all the other team members falling apart around him. Today was not their day.

 Today was not their day

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wow. another month, another chapter amiright? ALSO SEASON 5 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!

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