Flashback (Part 2)

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Brambleclaw POV

I continued running towards Thunderclan territory. Squirrelflight couldn't trust me, all she sees me as Tigerstar's son. She was following me, calling my name. Irritated, I stood still, and slowly turned around.
"What!? " I shouted at her. "No, I don't want an explanation. I don't care anymore, you are not my mate anymore. " I choked out the last few words, tears swelling up around my eyes.
"I can explain if you just listen, " Squirrelflight's voice was desperate.
"No! " I hissed at her.
"Are you sure you don't want an explanation? " there was an edge to her mew.
"Yes, " I mewed.
"Then there's something else I need you to help me. " Squirrelflight mewed.
"Breath in the scent of me, " she instructed. I breathed in her sweet scent, but there was something different. Suddenly, Brambleclaw smelled her heat scent. She's in heat, and she wants me to help her? But I told her I am not her mate anymore.
"Please Brambleclaw. I would only ask you to help me. Please Brambleclaw, I need this fire set off! " she pleaded.
"Okay fine, but this will be the last time because we are not mates anymore, "I hissed under my breath.

We did it. And slept together, too tired to care about anything anymore, we slept far away from camp so the cats who came back from the gathering didn't find us.

Squirrelflight's POV

When I woke up, I felt fur brushing against me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brambleclaw. Suddenly I remembered what happened yesterday night. I had mated with him because I was in heat, finally the fire at my core had been set off by, the cat who hates me most because of what happened at the gathering, Brambleclaw.
I suddenly felt a wave of regret flood through me. We are not mates anymore. So I quickly got up and prodded Brambleclaw awake and headed back to camp.

End of flashback

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