Chapter 12

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Squirrelflight's POV
"What do you mean?" Squirrelflight asked. Robinkit suddenly looked very dull, all her fur messy and ears drawn back in fright.
"I can't tell you about it, but it is something about my future. " Robinkit meowed. Squirrelflight looked at her in pity, and decided to not pressure her anymore.
"Okay...nevermind," she continued. "But are you sure you want to be a Medicine cat? I mean, Leafpool followed her heart. Are you following yours? Don't you want to be with your littermates? All of them are becoming warriors. They will miss you. "
Robinkit looked sad but certain as she nodded her head.
"Jayfeather has agreed to take me as a apprentice. I will miss being with my littermates, but I won't regret my decision. " Robinkit meowed.
Squirrelflight perked her ears in surprise. Since when did she become so wise? Maybe it's because spending time with Jayfeather in the medicine den. Jayfeather is a grumpy old flea-bag but he is pretty wise.
"Umm...I'm okay as long as you are. How about you, Brambleclaw? Any objections? " she asked.
"Nothing. Nothing at all, Squirrelflight. Just as long as Robinkit wants it. " Brambleclaw replied.
Robinkit suddenly brightened up at hearing her parents approval. "I'm going to tell Rowankit, Palekit and Leafkit about the news. Where are they? " she asked.
Squirrelflight pointed at the apprentices den with her tail. "They all went to help Toadpaw and Rosepaw make their nest. "
Robinkit's eyes widened with shock. "I missed their apprentice ceremony! I will go congratulate them. Bye and thanks! " Robinkit whipped around and ran to the apprentices den.

1 moon later...

Brambleclaw's POV
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the Highledge for a clan meeting! " Firestar yowled.
Brambleclaw's heart swelled up with love and pride as he stared at his kits. They we're becoming apprentices! All four kits pelts were smooth and glossy. Squirrelflight's eyes beamed with joy, while the kits were squealing in excitement.
"Rowankit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rowanpaw. Your mentor will be Cloudtail. I hope Cloudtail will pass down all he knows to you. " Firestar called Cloudtail forward with a flick of his tail.
"Cloudtail, you are ready to take on a apprentice. You had received excellent training from me (self-praiseee >o<) , and you have shown yourself to be brave and loyal. You will be the mentor to Rowanpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him. " Cloudtail touched noses with Rowanpaw then stepped aside. The ceremony went on with Palekit becoming Palepaw and Brightheart becoming his mentor. Leafkit became Leafpaw and Leafpool become her mentor. Then it came to Robinkit's turn.
"Robinkit, from now on, until you have received your name, you will be Robinpaw. Now, I will let Jayfeather speak. "
Everyone watched curiously as Jayfeather jumped up beside Firestar and meowed, "Cats of Thunderclan, as you know, I will not be around forever. So it's time I take on an apprentice. I have chosen a cat who has shown promise. Your next medicine cat will be Robinpaw. "
Brambleclaw glanced proudly at Robinpaw, pelt pricking with excitement.
"Robinpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Jayfeather? "
Robinpaw lifted her head.
"I do. " Robinpaw meowed.
Jayfeather then nodded at her.
"Then, at the half-moon gathering, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by Starclan before the other medicine cats. " Jayfeather meowed.
Firestar continued to speak.
"The good wishes of all Thunderclan will go with you. " Firestar bowed.
The clan started cheering as the new apprentices bounced up excitedly to their mentors.
"Rowanpaw! Palepaw! Leafpaw! Robinpaw! " the clan cheered, Brambleclaw cheering the loudest.
I am so proud of you, he told them silently. He then started searching the camp for something, but did not know what he was searching for, something was wrong. He strained his ears, he heard a tiny whimper. What is it?
After the noise died, a scream pierced the air. He turned his head sharply towards the noise.
"The kits are coming! The kits are coming! Brambleclaw, help me! "
His eyes widened in shock. The voice that has been stuck in his for these few moons rang through his head.
And that voice was none other than...

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