Chapter 14

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Squirrelflight's POV

Squirrelflight yawned as sunlight seeped through the vines of the nursery. It was dawn. She looked down at her kits. They were just a few days old. They are so beautiful, she whispered. Maplekit, who had brown tabby fur like her father, was the eldest of the littermates. Oakit, who had dark Ginger fur and a white paw like his mother, was second. Featherkit, the she-kit with pale tabby fur, was second-last. And finally, Icekit, who's the smallest and youngest of her second litter, was pure white.
A purr rumbled louder outside as some cat approached the nursery.
Suddenly, Rowanpaw burst through the entrance, pride gleaming in his eyes. He lifted his head as he slowly padded towards her.
"So what did you do today? " she purred excitedly. Rowanpaw seemed to report everything he does everyday after he became a apprentice.
"I did a dawn patrol! " he squealed, bouncing up and down. Nearly stepping on the kits.
"Quiet down, the kits are sleeping. And careful. " Squirrelflight hushed him, afraid he would wake the kits. And you know, having kits awake is not the best thing...
"Okok. But guess what, I was sooooooo tired, " he exaggerated the word 'so'. " That my paws almost fell asleep! Even when I was walking! They made me trip over a dumb vine on the ground. " he hissed angrily.
Squirrelflight snorted with laughter. "That's the funniest thing I heard from you so far! " as she laughed, the kits stirred. Her eyes widened as she looked at her kits. Oh no!!
Then Maplekit let out a little wail. "Miew! "
"Miew! "
"Mew! "
"Oh for Starclan's sake, Maplekit! " she hissed. Every time one of them mewed, the others will join, and somehow, it will go on for a very long time. She stared at her kits angrily. I'm getting tortured by my own kits!
A grunt sounded from the other side of the nursery as Whitewing shifted in her feather lined nest.
"Sorry Whitewing. " she apologized. She stared crossly at her kits, now they we're going to wake every cat in the camp!
She stared worriedly at Whitewing as she started whimpering.
"Whitewing? " she called.
Whitewing started shifting vigorously.
"Help...Squirrelflight. " she murmured. Squirrelflight stared at her in confusion. What help do I need? Oh yea, I need someone to take care of the kits. But this is no joking matter. Whitewing started groaning in pain.
"! " she gasped, her eyes shot open as she jerked. Squirrelflight frantically turned to Rowanpaw.
"Fetch Jayfeather! " she ordered him. He stood there shock for a moment then dashed out of the nursery. The kits started mewling louder, frightened. Whitewing writhed in pain. What should I do?
Suddenly her paws made her stand up, and she one by one picked up each of her kits and placed them out of the nursery. She searched the camp for Ferncloud.
"Ferncloud? Ferncloud where are you? I need help taking care of my kits! " she meowed. In the corner of her eye, the brambles of the warriors den swished opened. Brambleclaw came padding out.
His eyes widened with worry. "What happened? "
She twitched her ear. "Whitewing is starting to kit. I want to help her, but I can't leave the kits alone. Have you seen Ferncloud? "
He shook her head. "Nope, but I can help you. "
Of course! Brambleclaw can help! Why am I so mouse-brained? She shot Brambleclaw a look of gratitude, then raced back into the nursery.
Before she reached the nursery, she could smell Jayfeather's scent inside already. She poked her head inside, hoping to see Robinpaw, but there was no sign of her. Jayfeather turned to look at her.
"Oh, Squirrelflight, you came at the right time. I need you to find Robinpaw and bring her here. You can find her near the Windclan border, I asked her to collect some herbs. " he meowed. As she turned to leave, he quickly meowed, "Bring a thick stick and some water, be quick or perhaps find someone to help you. " he turned back and focused on Whitewing.
"Don't worry you would be fine. " she heard him reassure her. As she looked around the camp. Find someone. She then spotted Birchfall. Perfect, I could distract him from his mate's kitting. But as she looked closely at him, he does not look like he knows about his mate's kitting. Nevermind, I will tell him while collecting the things and fetching Robinpaw.

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