Chapter 5

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Brambleclaw's POV
1 moon passed...
Brambleclaw stalked forward as he saw the mother squirrel with her kits nibbling on an acorn. Suddenly the father squirrel jumped down from the tree a picked a acorn to eat. It's a whole family!! It could feed half the warriors.
It's going to be us soon, Squirrelflight, he thought. He stalked forward.
He got the whole family under his claws. He gave each of them a swift bite to the neck. And started to cover earth over the fresh-kill. Suddenly, the bushes in front of him rustled. He arched his back, bristling. Then a dark ginger cat popped out.
"Hey, Brambleclaw, nice catch! " Squirrelflight purred.
"Oh, Squirrelflight, you almost scared me out of my fur! Anyway, why are you not in the nursury? Is Daisy doing her job? " Brambleclaw teased.
"I can take care of myself! " Squirrelflight bristled.
"Anyway, I was looking for you... " Squirrelflight mewed. "What is it? "
"Our kits are due anytime now! " she squealed and her large, swollen belly jiggled.
OH NO! If the kits are due anytime now, I need to get her back to camp.
"Then we need to get you back to camp right away! "
"No need! I'm fi-" her protest was cut short as pain shot through her. Brambleclaw immediately bent down to let Squirrelflight climb onto him so he could carry her. Squirrelflight saw his action and bristled, " I can walk, you kn- URGHHH! " She groaned in pain.
"Please, Squirrelflight, we have to get you back to camp. Do it for us, do it for our kits. " Brambleclaw pleaded. Squirrelflight hesitated, then nodded. She climbed onto his back and when she was secured, he trotted quickly towards camp.
When they reached, he called, "Jayfeather! Squirrelflight needs your help! I think she is going to give birth!"
Instead of Jayfeather coming towards them, Squirrelflight's family shot out from every direction. Firestar, out of the leader's den. Sandstorm, out of the nursury, probably was looking for Squirrelflight. And Leafpool, out of the warriors den. (She became a warrior in the "Omens of the stars")
"Is she alright? " Leafpool asked anxiously.
"Brambleclaw, what happened to her?" Firestar asked him.
"Jayfeather! Where are you? " he called. He could feel vibrations on his back from Squirrelflight's swollen belly.
"Over here! Get her to the nursury. " Jayfeather's mew was muffled by the herbs in his mouth.
Brambleclaw padded into the nursury and placed Squirrelflight down, "Everything will be alright. " Brambleclaw soothed. She nodded, and then Brambleclaw was chased out of the nursury.
Brambleclaw paced outside the nursury, waiting for Starclan to give their kits life...

Squirrelflight's POV
Squirrelflight just wanted this to be over. Suddenly, waves of spasms went through her.
"Breathe Squirrelflight. Wait. Now...push! " Jayfeather instructed.
She yowled to Starclan and a bundle of fur slid out. It had brown tabby fur and a white paw. That must be how we look like joined together, she thought. But her thought was cut short as a shot of pain blasted into her, she yowled. And a bundle of light ginger fur slid out.
"The first one's a tom. " Ferncloud mewed as she licked the first kit.
Daisy did the same with the second one, and mewed, "This one's a tom too. "
Two toms.
"Jayfeather, how many more?" Squirrelflight asked, panting. Jayfeather prodded her belly.
"About two. "
"Two?! " Squirrelflight yowled and a tortoiseshell furred bundle slid out.
"Ok, one more. Now push! " he instructed. "Uurrghhh! " Squirrelflight yowled. A bundle of fur slid out. But Squirrelflight vision was blurred with tiredness. "The last two are she-kits! Congrats. But it's time you went to sleep. " Jayfeather mewed. When he exited, Brambleclaw came in and whispered, "Sleep well. " Then he settled beside her to sleep. She felt four mouths sucking for milk, goodnight my kits, and Brambleclaw. And with that she went to sleep.

Please comment what the forth kit fur colour should be!!
1St October 2017

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