Chapter 13

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Squirrelflight POV

Squirrelflight shrieked in agony as spasms wrecked her body.
I didn't remember it this pain the last time I kitted!
Brambleclaw came rushing to her when he heard her scream.
"Don't worry you'll be alright! Just breath! " Brambleclaw soothed.
"Brambleclaw, carry her to the nursery! Robinpaw follow me!" Jayfeather ordered. She saw Robinpaw race to her mentors side with a frightened look on her face as she stared at her mother. She heard a patter of paws as Rowanpaw, Palepaw and Leafpaw ran to her. Brambleclaw nudged them aside.
"Give her space! Now come, help push her onto my back. " he ordered. They tried pushing her onto his back and succeeded. Brambleclaw then quickly trotted over to the nursery and placed her down.
"Don't worry, you will be okay." Was all she heard from him after he was chased out of the nursery along with the kits.

Robinpaw's POV

"Carry these herbs. " Jayfeather instructed. Robinpaw shakily but firmly grabbed the herbs in her mouth.
"Okay, this will be your first time seeing a queen kitting, and you will help out as well. Your mother is going to kit and you will have to do as you are told, alright? " Jayfeather asked. Robinpaw nodded her head and then trotted over to the nursery with Jayfeather. When she arrived at the nursery. Her mother was laying on her side and Brambleclaw was there too. She suddenly let out a wail of pain and jerked a little.
"Brambleclaw, go out. We need space. Whitewing, Ferncloud and Daisy, move to the side. Robinpaw, come, I will need your help. "
Robinpaw trotted to her mother's side. I didn't see her in this much pain before! What am I suppose to do?
"Ferncloud, go and find a stick Squirrelflight can bite on to. Daisy, get some water for her to drink. " Jayfeather meowed. Ferncloud and Daisy rushed out of the nursery to find a stick and fetch some water. Blood roared in Robinpaw's ears as her mother writhed in pain.
"Don't just stand there! Help me! " Squirrelflight snapped. Robinpaw was taken aback at her mother's fury. Jayfeather placed his tail reassuringly and meowed, "Don't worry. A kitting queen always say what they don't mean. "
"Argghh! " Squirrelflight screamed. Then Ferncloud burst through from the nursery entrance and quickly handed the stick to Squirrelflight who quickly bit onto it.
"Okay Squirrelflight. Nowwww............... Push! "
She looked in awe as Squirrelflight pushed and a bundle of fur slid onto the moss bedding.
"Robinpaw, nip the sac and lick it backwards to warm it up. "
She obeyed and nipped the sac and started roughly licking it. The kit started squirming. Once she was done, she could see that it had brown tabby fur. But what gender is it? Jayfeather took the kit and meowed, "It's a she-kit. " and placed it on Squirrelflight's belly and it started sucking for milk. She saw that her mother's eyes melted with love and warmth. Did she react the same way to me? Robinpaw wondered, thinking hard. Then her thoughts we're interrupted with another yowl. Then another kit slid out. Daisy then came into the nursery and placed the moss down.
"Sorry I took so long. I tripped. " she meowed apologeticly. Robinpaw gave her a nod of understanding then did the same to the other kit. It was a spitting image of Squirrelflight, dark Ginger fur and a white paw. Jayfeather took the kit and checked the gender. "It's a Tom. " and placed it beside it's sister.
Robinpaw just realised that the first kit was a spitting image of Brambleclaw! Her heart melted, these guys were her siblings.
"Am I done? " Squirrelflight asked. Jayfeather prodded her belly and meowed, "Nope. Robinpaw, feel it. "
She stretched her paw forward and touched her belly, she felt lumps, two lumps.
"Can you tell how many more? " Jayfeather asked.
"Two? " she guessed. Jayfeather nodded his head and turned back to Squirrelflight.
After a while, four kits we're born. The last two kits were both she-kits, one with pale tabby fur, the other one which was pure white.
By now, Squirrelflight was already asleep, tired from kitting. And Brambleclaw and her family came in while the others went out so that we could spent time together.
"They are so adorable! " Leafpaw mewed. Brambleclaw gave Robinpaw an envy glance.
"Why could my kit be here when I have to stay outside? " he purred with amusement in his voice. Robinpaw gave her chest fur some embarrassed licks. She felt proud, she helped her mother deliver kits!
Then Jayfeather came in to the nursery, "Everybody would have to leave now, she needs rest. "
After that, we all went to the apprentices den except Robinpaw and Brambleclaw. She was trotting to the medicine den just when somebody prodded her shoulder, she turned around.
"You did a great job today, I am proud of you. " Brambleclaw meowed with proud brimming in his eyes. Her heart burst with happiness.
"Thank you. " she meowed back.
"Go and have some rest, you deserve it. " Brambleclaw nuzzled her cheek than headed towards the warriors den.
When she was rested nicely in her nest in the medicine den. She fell into a comfortable sleep.

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