Chapter 9

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Brambleclaw's POV
"You can kill me instead, just don't hurt him and my kits, I'm the one at fault. " a she-cat mewed.
Brambleclaw was in a lush green forest, sounds of tiny paws pattering the forest floor and the sound of the birds singing made him feel relaxed.
But the mew of the she-cat made him worried. It sounded as if a cat was threatening to hurt the she-cat and her kits.
"Are you alright? " he asked, eventhough he didn't know who she was or where she is.
Golden fur swishing through the trees caught his attention.
"Brambleclaw! " the she-cat mewed urgently.
"What? Who are you, where are you? " he yelled.
Suddenly, Goldenflower burst through the bushes, eyes round with worry.
"Mum! " Brambleclaw called, rubbing his nose against hers. Suddenly, pain shot through him. His belly was slashed open and it started bleeding.
Goldenflower looked at him. "There's no time! "
"Were you the one calling me? " he gasped as he was running out of energy.
"No. But you have to wake up. Someone's in trouble. Go! " she hissed urgently.
"What do you mean? " Brambleclaw asked.
"You have to save Squirrelflight! She risking herself to die even though she's carrying kits! " she snapped.
"What do you mean? " he asked again. Didn't Squirrelflight gave birth to kits already? But his vision started to blurr...

Squirrelflight's POV
"Well hello Squirrelflight... " Ashfur growled.
"How dare you come back again after all what Blue star said! " Squirrelflight  hissed.
"I will do what ever it takes so that you will suffer. "
"Even kill me? " she hissed, trying to put a brave front. Think of your kits, if I die, Brambleclaw will never see these kits.
"No, " he mewed slowly. "But him. " he pointed at Brambleclaw with a claw. Oh no!
"You can kill me instead, just don't hurt him or my kits, I'm the one at fault. " she mewed weakly. I'll do anything to keep Bramblelcaw and the kits alive.
"Too late for that. " Ashfur hissed, getting ready to claw at Brambleclaw's belly. NO!
squirrelflight jumped forward, shaking Brambleclaw.
"Brambleclaw! " she mewed urgently. He twitched a little, as if trying to respond. She looked at Ashfur with pleading eyes.
"Don't. " she breathed.
Ashfur ignored her and started raking Brambleclaw's belly. Blood poured out from him.
She couldn't take it anymore!
"Stop! Or your life ends here! " she threatened with a hiss. He paused.
"I would...if you'd be my mate? " he asked, smirking.
Ewww, no!

"I'd rather die! " she hissed, and launched herself onto his back, raking her unsheathed claws on his back with rage.
He shook her off and pinned her to the ground. Oh no! I'm going to die!
"Help! " she screamed.
I'm sorry, kits and Brambleclaw. Wait a minute, can my clanmates see this? Whatever, if they can, their not helping.
She screwed up her face, waiting for the killing blow. But it never came.
Brown tabby fur blurred her vision. When she looked up, Brambleclaw was a awake! They wrestled around the den, in a bundle of brown and gray fur.
Squirrelflight stood up and joined the fight.
They managed to pin Ashfur down and Brambleclaw gave him a killing blow to the throat.
Suddenly, everything shimmered and everything that ever happened disappeared.
They were just standing in the den, everything was perfectly fine. Brambleclaw's wound disappeared.
"Are you alright? " Brambleclaw asked, rubbing his nose against hers, "I thought I'd lost you... " he mummured.
"Stupid furball. " she teased.
"Let's go to the nursery to check on the kits. " she suggested.
Side by side, fur brushing fur, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw made their way to the nursery.

The End!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!

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