Chapter 7

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Brambleclaw padded on with Bluestar, Ashfur and his kits in his mouth. The kits were calmer now. How are we going to get these kits to our world? He wondered. I would ask Bluestar later on, he decided.
"We're almost there! " Bluestar called over her shoulder.
He believed her as he could see light in front of them. Suddenly, the bushes behind them rustled and he could see forest green eyes peeking through the leaves. He opened his mouth and tasted the air, SQUIRRELFLIGHT!
He asked softly. "Squirrelflight, is that you? Can you come out now, nobody's going to hurt you. "
She jumped out while mumbling, "I don't need you to taking care at me. "
"Of course! " Brambleclaw muttered. This stupid furball doesn't appreciate your kindness.
"Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! " she snapped. "I can take care of myself, thanks. "
Her gaze hardened when she saw the kits, she asked, "Brambleclaw, whose kits are these? And why do they look exactly like us? "
"These are ours."
"How? "
"Ummmmm...... "
"Are you hiding something from me?" She asked, getting irritated.
"No, I'm not! "
"Then why aren't you telling me? "
"I'll tell you la-"
"Brambleclaw, forget it just tell her, tell her how I killed them and brought them here. " Ashfur purred while laughing. "You two are soooooo cute arguing. " he let out a mrrow of laughter.
"YOU, DID, WHAT????? " Squirrelflight growled and leaped at him, snarling, "Why so much hate? Why did you have to do this? And when I was with you, I'm sorry I don't have feelings for you, OKAY??!! " When Squirrelflight mentioned that, he winced. They fought and scratched. Until Bluestar leaped in between them, but she had a hard time doing that.
"Stop! My job here is to bring you back to starclan and get you treated. And Ashfur, if you make anymore trouble, I will have to chase you out of starclan! "
Ashfur immediately hung his head low, his pelt burning with shame. Squirrelflight glared at him and kept growling. Brambleclaw leapt to her side and placed the kits down.
"Don't worry, I'm sure Bluestar would be able to bring them back to our world. " he soothed.
Squirrelflight looked up at him, her eyes changing from pure hatred to worry. "But what if she can't? " she wailed like a kit.
The kits looked up at her. "Are you our mother?? "
"Yes. "
"Hey, you look exactly like me! " the that looked like Squirrelflight mewed.
"Yes, and don't worry. You're in good paws. Ashfur doesn't know what he's doing. " Squirrelflight hissed the last few words out.
"Yea, that cat's evil. " one of the kits squeaked.
"He should probably go to the dark forest! " the other kit flamed.
Squirrelflight purred and nuzzled them. "Let me carry one. "
Brambleclaw dropped one down and Squirrelflight picked it up. "Let's go! "

They were in Starclan hunting grounds now. She had kept a far distance from Ashfur, the cat whom she thought would heal her broken heart when she and Brambleclaw had an argument. She could not believe he would do such a thing. Luckily I chose Brambleclaw, I loved him more anyway, she thought. Squirrelflight grabbed onto her kits scruff tighter. I would never let such a thing happen to her family again. Then she heard a sudden squeal.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts! " the kit wailed.
"Sorry! " she apologized as she loosened her grip.
The kit looked up at her. "When are we going to reach the camp? My shoulder hurts! "
As if in answer, there was a strong scent of cats, meowing to each other and sounds of scuffling around.
"Welcome to camp. " Bluestar welcomed.
Squirrelflight's kit's eyes widened with surprised, as it never seen this many cats before.
Squirrelflight spotted many cats she know. Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Yellowfang, Barkface, Cinderpelt, Retail, Brindleface, Frostfur, all sitting together and meowing about stuff. Her heart leapt for joy when she spotted the cat that she had an adventure with, Feathertail! She flicked her tail at Brambleclaw's ear and pointed at Feathertail. His eyes brightened and meowed, "Bluestar, may we talk to old friends? "
"Fine, but to long, I'll be talking here with Yellowfang. "
"Thanks! " we meowed in unison, and raced towards Feathertail. Feathertail saw us coming and waved her tail.
"Hi, Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw! " she greeted.
"Squirrelflight, now. " I corrected.
"Nice, oh yea, whose kits are these? " she asked while pointing to the kits with her tail.
"Ours. " Brambleclaw replied.
"You two are mates now? I'm so happy for you!! They look exactly like you! " Feathertail exclaimed.
"Yeah, I was wondering why you couldn't figure it out. " Squirrelflight joked while putting her kit down.
Her gaze darkened. "Anyway, why are you here? You're not dead, right? "
"No, we're not dead, but it's a long story. " Brambleclaw explained.
"Oh nevermind. How is Crowpaw? And Tawnypelt? "
"Crowfeather, has a mate a one kit, his mate is Nightcloud, and their kit is Breezepelt. Tawnypelt has a mate, Rowanclaw, and three kits, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt and Flametail. Flametail is a medicine cat." I answered, skipping the part of what happened to Leafpool and Crawfeather.
"Oh... Crowfeather has a mate now. " Feathertail muttered to herself.
"Don't worry, " I reassured her by putting my tail on her shoulder. "I'm sure there's some cat else who loves you. "
Feathertail nodded, but misery still in her eyes. "I think it's time for you to head back. "
We in waved our tail in farewell and headed for Bluestar who was waiting for us with Yellowfang.
I wonder what's planned for us next...

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