Chapter 1

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  Squirrelflight's POV
                    A moon has passed. And my stomach has seem to get heavier everyday. I don't know what I ate to gain this much weight. Tonight was a gathering. Firestar picked Brambleclaw, Whitewing, Graystripe, Icecloud, Sandstorm, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Leafpool, me, Foxleap, Dovepaw, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe, Millie, Hazeltail, Berrynose, Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Dustpelt and Ivypaw.
We are now walking towards the tree-bridge. Soon, it was my turn to climb, I slowly climbed up the slippery tree-bridge. Suddenly, I slipped. Then I felt teeth grab my scruff. I looked up and saw Brambleclaw slowly but steadily hauling me up onto the tree-bridge.
         "Thank you." I mewed gratefully.
"You kept missing prey this moon, and now you slipped on the tree-bridge, I'm very disappointed with you." Brambleclaw mewed. My heart sank. This moon,he never show any sign of affection, not even the slightest sign of affection, he just treated me like any other clanmate. Like he totally didn't love me anymore, and act like nothing happened at all.
          "Nevermind but Squirrelflight, maybe you want visit the medicine den after the gathering, " Brambleclaw mewed matter-of-factly. "Alright, I will. " I mewed affectionally.  He glared at me for no more than heartbeat than continued climbing the tree-bridge.
            Looks like he really doesn't love me anymore. I'll just have to get over the past.
            The gathering was just like any other gathering, no unusuals except a lot of cats looking at me with hostile looks.
           After the gathering, we went back to camp and I went into the medicine den to get myself checked.
       I just hope it's just I ate too much fresh-kill.

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