Chapter 6

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Brambleclaw's POV
Brambleclaw couldn't believe he was a father already! And Squirrelflight had given birth to four healthy kits! Two toms and two she-kits, the puurrrrfect litter, he thought. He was still huddled close to Squirrelflight in the nursury. I should get out, he thought as he saw that he was occupying a lot of space. But after naming the kits. He looked at the kits. One brown tabby fur with a white paw, it looks like me and Squirrelflight joined together, he chuckled. But he wondered what the eye colour would be. Maybe amber, or maybe green, or maybe both!! That would be amazing, he thought.
The other tom has light ginger fur, he looks like Sandstorm. Maybe he will have green eyes. The first she-kit had tortoiseshell fur that looks like Tawnypelt, his sister. The last she-kit had red-brown fur, she looks like Pinestar, the leader before Firestar, Bluestar and Sunstar, and became a kittypet. I will not let that happen to her, Brambleclaw vowed. But she might be leader one day.
Suddenly, he heard tiny mews from the kits that woke Squirrelflight up. She woke up, puzzled. "Brambleclaw, whose kits are these? " she asked me with confused green eyes.
Brambleclaw shook his head. "These are our kits, Squirrelflight. "
"Ohh!! Yes! " she purred loudly. "They are so beautiful! "
"Yes, so what should we name them? " Brambleclaw asked.
"How about Rowankit for the first tom? "
"Okay, then how about Palekit for the second tom? "
She purred. "Of course! And how about Leafkit for the first she-kit. Since she look like a spotted leaf. "
"And maybe Robinkit for the last one." He purred.
"Yes. Welcome Rowankit, Palekit, Leafkit and Robinkit. We are the parents of you, called Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. " she introduced while the kits sucked for milk. She looked at her stomach, and it growled.
"Oops! Looks like I have to eat. " she mewed as she stood up and the kits started mewling in protest.
"Nevermind, I'll get it for you. " he mewed as he nuzzled Squirrelflight. She purred in delight as he trotted out of the nursury to the fresh-kill pile. Since it was greenleaf, the pile was fully stocked. He picked up plump squirrel from the pile and padded back to the nursury. Suddenly he remembered the whole family of squirrels he caught yesterday but have not picked them up yet. He dropped the squirrel at Squirrelflight's paws and mewed, " I have to go collect the squirrels I caught yesterday. See you later. "
After going out of the nursury, he sent a dawn hunting patrol out consisting of Sorreltail, Brackenfur, Cherrypaw, Berrynose and Leafpool. And a border patrol heading to Shadowclan consisting of Dustpelt, Dovewing, Ivypool, Whitewing and Blossomfall. He headed out into the forest to the place where he caught the squirrels. When he picked up the squirrels, blackness swallowed him.
"You think you've won, Brambleclaw." whispered a voice.
"What? Who are you? " he asked, standing still.
"Oh Brambleclaw, how could you not know who I am? " the shadowy cat stepped in front of him. Brambleclaw stared in horror, as the cat he'd known for so long, who had made life difficult for him—Ashfur. His gray pelted fur had patches of blood. What dangled from his mouth we're two kits, one was a spitting image of him, the other was a spitting image of Squirrelflight, they were both frightened. If the kits are alive than whose blood are those?
"I took two kits who resembled you most, so I could get my revenge." He suppressed out a mrrow of laughter, muffled by the kits fur. If the kits are alive, then whose blood are those? Then, realization hit him in the face. He killed the kits and took them to the dead!! I can't believe him! That stupid furball.
"Why did you do this two us? " Brambleclaw snarled in anger, his claws unsheathed, back arched, fur bristling.
"Because Squirrelflight chose you over me. Remember, your father killed my mother to lure the dogs to camp. Your father killed many cats, Squirrelflight made the wrong decision by choosing you, she doesn't know what you are capable of. " Ashfur snarled.
"What are you capable of? Taking cats kits to the dead. You are a Murderer." Brambleclaw growled.
"Murderer or not Brambleclaw, remember you will never win. " he snarled with bared teeth. He dropped the kits on the floor and lunged at him. Brambleclaw dodged and ran to the kits.
"Don't worry, you will be okay. " he soothed. He felt claws digging into his back. He looked over his shoulder, Ashfur was clawing his back. He shook Ashfur off and lunged at him. Growling and snarling, he pinned Ashfur down.
"I don't care what you do, but if you hurt my clanmates and my family, I'll claw your pelt off. "
"ENOUGH! " a blue-gray cat that appeared out of nowhere shouted.
"Bluestar! Look at this evil Brambleclaw trying to kill me. " Ashfur faked a frightened voice.
"Don't worry Brambleclaw," she mewed, padding towards them. "I saw everything. "
"What, no! It doesn't mean what you saw, I was protecting the kits from him! " Ashfur shouted.
"Never mind, we'll discuss it later in Starclan. "
"Wait, I thought we are in Starclan? " he asked, confused.
"Are we in the dark forest? " Brambleclaw asked.
"We'll talk later. But first we need to get your wounds checked. "
"But I need to get back to the clan, to Squirrelflight. " he mewed and Ashfur hissed. (When he mentioned Squirrelflight.)
"After your wounds are checked. You will get back." She promised, and padded off.

Squirrelflight POV
She purred in delight as Brambleclaw trotted out of the nursury. And came back with a plump squirrel, and left. She started eating the plump squirrel Brambleclaw brought for her. Suddenly, the brambles in front of her swished, and her parents, Firestar and Sandstorm, and Jayfeather with some leaves in his mouth.
"Squirrelflight, are you alright? " Sandstorm asked. "Yes! " she purred.
"They are beautiful kits, Squirrelflight. Are they Brambleclaw's? " Firestar asked. "Haven't you guessed? " Squirrelflight chuckled.
"Excuse me," Jayfeather pushed himself to the front. "I need you to eat these borage leaves to make more milk come." As he bent down to put the leaves in front of her, she heard him whisper, "Welcome, kits. " And Robinkit purred and nuzzled him, his blind blue eyes stared in shock(even though he can't see anything...), and backed out of the nursury quickly. I think he's not used to being liked by kits, especially mine.
She began to chew on the borage leaves.
"I knew you and Brambleclaw would come around. The two of you are perfect mates. " Firestar purred.
"So what are their names? " Sandstorm asked.
"The first tom with the white paw is Rowankit, the pale ginger tom is Palekit. The tortoiseshell she-kit is Leafkit, and the last she-kit is Robinkit." She finished.
"So cute. But we have to go now, we will visit you soon. " Firestar mewed.
"Okay, bye. " Squirrelflight mewed.
Once her parents left, she continued chewing the borage leaves and once she was done, she ate her fresh-kill. It has been a long time since Brambleclaw went out, I wonder what happened.
After feeding her kits milk, she mewed, "Ferncloud and Daisy, can you help me watch over my kits, I am going out to get some fresh air."
"Sure. "
She nuzzled every single kit before leaving the nursury and into the forest. She followed Brambleclaw's scent trail to where she saw him lying on the forest floor with the squirrels in his mouth.
"Brambleclaw, wake up! " she started fretting. When her nose touched his fur, blackness swallowed her.
She found herself in a dim lit forest. The water there is black and slimy. When she sniffed the air, she smelt Brambleclaw's scent, kits and an achingly familiar scent, but didn't know whose was it. The grass around her had patches of blood on them. Them when she padded forward she recognized a scent, Bluestar!! But who was the other cat? She wondered.
She hesitated before following their scent trail...

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