Chapter 2

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"Leafpool, I need you to check on me. I am having problems, I used to have easily caught many prey but I didn't this moon, and I used to climb the tree-bridge with ease. Something's wrong with me!" She wailed.
                 "Alright Squirrelflight, sit over here on the moss." Leafpool instructed.
Squirrelflight padded over to the patch of moss and sat down.
"Now lay on your side, " Leafpool mewed.
I lay comfortably on my side while Leafpool started massaging my belly.
"Oh, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening. " Leafpool mewed panically.
"What happened?! Do I have a disease that can't be cured? "
"No! Far from that! "
"Am I going to die? " I fretted.
"No but u will have to go to the nursery." Leafpool mewed affectionately.
"Wait what? But I thought I can't have kits? "

"Psst! Squirrelflight!" Leafpool called from the warriors den entrance.
"Hmm... What? Who is it?! " I mewed loudly and sleepily.
"Shhhh!! Keep it down. It's Leafpool. I need your help! Now! " Leafpool whisper-shouted.
"Okay! Okay! I'm coming. " I mewed.
We both padded out of the warriors den and out of the camp. We slipped out through the dirt place so  Poppyfrost, the camp guard won't see us.
Once we are outside in the forest. Leafpool brought me into a tunnel. And I started hearing small, tiny squeaking.
"What is it Leafpo-" I questioned her but was cut off when I saw three kits. One black, another golden tabby and the last one, gray tabby.
"Squirrelflight, meet Hollykit, Lionkit and Jaykit. They are my kits. " Leafpool introduced them to me.
"What Leafpool? Your a medicine cat, you can't have kits! " I yowled at her. "Oh, and I guess the father is Crowfeather. " I hissed at her.
"Please Squirrelflight! I need you to help me raise them. " Leafpool pleaded.
"No! I will n-"
Suddenly, the walls of the tunnels sparkled and shone a starry cat.
"Squirrelflight, you need to adopt Leafpool's kits." The starry starclan cat mewed.
"Yellowfang? " Squirrelflight questioned.
"Yes Squirrelflight. I have come to give you news," Yellowfang mewed.
"You must adopt Leafpool's kits. "
"Why?! "
"Yes you must! " Leafpool called.
"Because this is the only way you can have kits! " Yellowfang hissed.
"Wait what? I can have my own kits. " I meowed.
"No you can't. I'm sorry, Squirrelflight, you are never able to kits. " Yellowfang mewed pitifully.
"Huh? Are you serious? "
"Yes, "
"In that case, I will adopt your kits Leafpool, " Squirrelflight meowed sadly.
"Thank you Squirrelflight!!" Leafpool squealed excitedly. And they brought the kits back...
End of Flashback

Suddenly, Yellowfang stepped out of the herb storage room.
"Yellowfang? "
"Yes, I am here, here to tell you I'm sorry. " Yellowfang fretted.
"What for? "
"Lying to you. It was the only way. "
"What do you mean? "
"You were able to have kits, telling you, you can't have kits was the only way you will adopt Leafpool's kits. You we're destined to adopt Leafpool's kits. "
"What?! So you lied to me so I can adopt Leafpool's kits? I ADOPTED LEAFPOOL'S KITS, I LOST EVERYTHING I HAD, MY CLANMATES TRUST AND THE MOST IMPORTANT CAT TO ME, BRAMBLECLAW, MY MATE!!! " I yowled at Yellowfang.
But she already disappeared.
Suddenly the brambles to the entrance of the medicine den swished and revealed a cat, Brambleclaw.
"What?! " Brambleclaw asked.

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