Chapter 3

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Brambleclaw's POV
"Shadowclan has been crossing the border. " Brambleclaw reported.
"I won't take any action yet, just put up more patrols at the Shadowclan border, just to tell them we are still alive. " Firestar meowed.
"Okay, " Brambleclaw answered.
As Brambleclaw headed out of the den, he ordered a patrol to mark the border, consisting of, Brakenfur, Sorreltail, Millie, Sandstorm, Lionblaze, Dovepaw and Squirrelflight.
"Squirrelflight? " Brambleclaw called. But no one answered.
"What?! So you lied to me so I can adopt Leafpool's kits? I ADOPTED LEAFPOOL'S KITS, I LOST EVERYTHING I HAD, MY CLANMATES TRUST AND THE MOST IMPORTANT CAT TO ME, BRAMBLECLAW, MY MATE!!! " someone yowled from the medicine den. And it sounds like Squirrelflight. Embarrassed, Brambleclaw send a lot of cats out to hunt or patrol than went to the medicine den.
When he got in,confused,he asked, "What?!"
"Oh...umm,hi?" Squirrelflight stammered.

"Oh, umm...ish she okay? " Brambleclaw asked Leafpool. "Yes, very healthy! You can have her. " Leafpool meowed and whispered something into Squirrelflight's ear, she twitched.
Squirrelflight got up and asked, "You want to talk? "
"Yes. Follow me. " Brambleclaw instructed. I will try to get all the answers to my question once I bring her to a safe spot to talk.
They padded out deep into the forest, to a spot where it is safe. When they reached the spot, they sat down.
"So, you do want an explanation? " Squirrelflight challenged. "I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to explain yourself, I just so mad I couldn't contr-" "It's alright, " Squirrelflight reassured him by putting a paw on his. But he quickly pulled it away, knowing that they are still not mates.
When he looked into Squirrelflight forest green eyes, he saw a spark of hurtfullness and sadness.
"So ,do you want to hear the explanation or what? " Squirrelflight hissed at me. What's go into her fur?
"Look, I'm sorry for pulling my paw away, it's just that we are not mates...yet. " Brambleclaw mewed. He saw her eyes brightened, and he seem to be happier too.
"So, there's one night, Leafpool woke me up and brought me into the woods and into a tunnel where I found Hollyleaf, Lionblaze and Jayfeather. She asked me to raise them but at first I refused. " Squirrelflight continued. "And then suddenly, Yellowfang came out of nowhere and told me I had to raise her kits. " "okay, go on. "
Squirrelflight continued, "I told her I can have my own kits but she said I can't...have...kits so I think that's the only time I will be a mother. " Squirrelflight fretted.
Brambleclaw can't believe what he was hearing, and Squirrelflight started sobbing. "That time I thought I am broken if I am your mate but I can't give you kits. So I took them in. "
Brambleclaw instantly felt sorry for her and now knows how hard it was for her.
"Look," he mewed as he shifted closer to Squirrelflight and laid his tail on Squirrelflight's shoulder, he saw her twitch a little. "It's not like I would leave you because you can't give me kits. I love you the way you are. "
He heard a loud purr coming from Squirrelflight. She pounced on him and started licking him behind the ear. "Thank you!! " she squealed like a little kit.
"Oh, and there's something I need to tell you, " Squirrelflight mewed as she sat up.
There was a serious look in her eyes, maybe it's an explanation why she was in the medicine den.
"I'm expecting kits!! I didn't believe it just now in the medicine den but Yellowfang came into the den and told me she had lied to me because that's the only way to get me to adopt Leafpool's kits. But I don't care anymore. Because I can be with you. I love you! " she squealed. "But how? I didn't mate you because I wasn't your mate that time. " Brambleclaw confessed. Is she lying to me again? She didn't mention who's the father. Is it another Tom? He suddenly felt very jealous.
"Are you okay? " she asked.
He just realised he was digging his claws into the earth. "Yes I'm fine. So who's the father? " I asked trying to control my temper. Was it Ashfur? He died before the gathering where me and Squirrelflight we're not mates anymore. Did he? He better not.
Squirrelflight stared at me with a confused look. "What? " I asked.
"It's you! You mouse-brain! " she yowled at me. "What? I did no-"
"Remember the night after the gathering? "
Oh right! How could I have forgotten? We had mated because she was in heat and needed help from a Tom.
"Yes I remembered! " Brambleclaw squealed and bowled into Squirrelflight. He's going to be a father!! This time, it's real. " you want to be my mate? "
"I am you mate you mouse-brain! " Squirrelflight purred.
"Okay, so now, you're going to the nursury and rest once we returned to camp. " Brambleclaw ordered.
"Let's just sleep here, it's going to be dawn soon. " Squirrelflight purred.
"Okay, " Brambleclaw replied.
Soon, they fell asleep.

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