Chapter 11

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Squirrelflight's POV
Squirrelflight woke up with a yawn. She felt something sharp poking at her side. Are the kits coming? She thought with panic. Then she looked down. Whew! It's just Robinkit. Looking at Robinkit makes her remember her strange dream two days ago.
"Good morning, darling. " she purred.
She nuzzled Robinkit. Robinkit broke away, shifting her paws.
Squirrelflight tilted her head. "Is there something wrong? "
Robinkit looked reluctant to tell or ask her something.
"Can I go to the medicine cat den for awhile? I will come back as soon as I can. " Robinkit meowed, her blue eyes troubled.
"Is there something wrong? " she repeated her question.
Robinkit quickly shook her head. "No, no! Of course not! Ha! Why should there be? " she faked a laugh.
Squirrelflight squinted her eyes. There's something she's not telling. But nevermind. What harm could it do to let her to the medicine den?
"Ok fine. " she meowed slowly. "You can go to the medicine den. But...if there is something troubling you, you can always tell me ok? I will always be there for you. "
There was gratitude in Robinkit's gaze. "Thank you, mother. " and with that she trotted out of the medicine den.

Brambleclaw's POV
It was two days ago when Jayfeather told him that Whitewing was expecting kits. But she could still train icepaw until she becomes a warrior.
That means the nursery needs to be bigger. We have so many queens! And Squirrelflight still has another litter.
Brambleclaw purred at that thought. He was going to be a father again.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather below the Highledge!" Firestar's yowl rang across the clearing.
Cats start to file out of their dens. When all the cats were settled, with Brambleclaw sitting with Squirrelflight and their kits outside the nursery, Firestar continued, "Today there would be two new apprentices and two new warriors! "
The clan cheered.
Firestar stepped forward to Foxpaw and Icepaw, "I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They had trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. "
Foxpaw's eyes widened with excitement.

"Foxpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? "
"I do. " Foxpaw meowed.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. From this moment on, you will be called Foxleap. Starclan honors your bravery and stealthyness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. "

Firestar rested on Foxleap's head, and Foxleap gave Firestar a respectful lick on his shoulder. Firestar then turned to Icepaw.
"Icepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? " Firestar asked.
"I do. " Icepaw meowed.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, from this moment on, you shall be known as Icecloud. Starclan honors your courage and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thundrclan. "
Firestar rested his chin on Icecloud's head and Icecloud licked his shoulder.
"Foxleap! Icecloud! Foxleap! Icecloud!" The the clan cheered. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight and the kits joined in.
When the noise died, Firestar mewed, "Later tonight, Foxleap and Icecloud will sit a silent vigil guarding the camp, while we get a good night sleep."
Brambleclaw snorted in amusement. Then turned his gaze to where Toadkit and Rosekit were sitting, their eyes bright with excitement. He turned to look at Squirrelflight. She looked back at him.
"Our kits would be like that soon. " she purred.
Rowankit heard what she said, and squealed, "How soon? "
"Very soon. " Brambleclaw replied.
Palekit huffed. "You always say that. "
Leafkit ignored him and mewed, "What do think our warrior names should be? "
"I think Rowankit will be called Rowantree! " Palekit teased. Squirrelflight let out a mrrow of laughter.
"Then what about you, Paleface! " Rowankit hissed and jumped onto Palekit. They rolled around until Leafkit separated them. "Sit still! Rosekit and Toadkit are becoming apprentices!"
"Toadpaw! Rosepaw! Sorreltail! Brankenfur! (Their mentors)" The whole clan cheered, especially Daisy, Spiderleg still cheered but it was not as loud.
"Hey guys!" Bumblekit and his littermates squealed while running to them.
Leafkit stepped forward. "What is it?"
"We are told we will be apprentices three days later!" Briarkit squealed.
Palekit grunted. "We still have to wait for a moon! I wish I was with you guys!"
Leafkit shook her head. "Eventhough being apprentices is exciting, it will be very tiring. Icecloud says while you are a kit, you should get as much sleep as you can."
"But isn't it worth it?" Rosepaw meowed from behind.
Rowankit ran towards her and mewed. "Congratulations! "
'Thank you! " she purred, her tail waving in the air. Toadpaw trotted in front, beside his sister, smiling from ear to ear.
"We are going to take Icecloud's and Foxleap's nest in the apprentices den. Wanna come? " Toadpaw mewed.
"I want to come! " all the kits mewed in unison, than ran off with Toadpaw and Rosepaw to the apprentices den.

quirrelflight looked at him. "I feel like there's...something...wrong. Someone's...missing. "
Brambleclaw thought worriedly. Someone's missing? Who would that be? Suddenly, Robinkit poked her head put of the medicine den.
"It's Robinkit. " he answered. Squirrelflight quickly trotted towards Robinkit as she saw a frightened look on her face. Brambleclaw followed.
"Is there something wrong? " Squirrelflight mewed.
"Is there something bothering you? " Brambleclaw asked, worry nagging at his head.
"It's just that I...I... " Robinkit stammered.
"What is it?! " Squirrelflight snapped. "Why can't you just tell me? Don't keep this to yourself, you need to tell someone. Tell me. Or Brambleclaw. Come on, share your thoughts. " Squirrelflight mewed, pacing.
Brambleclaw placed a tail over Robinkit's shoulder, "You don't need to worry, we won't be mad. "
Robinkit took a deep sigh, than mewed, "I'm...going to be a medicine cat. I didn't have a choice. "

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