Chapter 8

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Squirrelflight's POV
"What do you mean? " Squirrelflight asked anxiously.
"I said that you are expecting another litter of kits! " Jayfeather grunted, annoyed. "Do you not understand that?! "
"So soon? Is that even possible? I mean, I just had kits, now I'm having another? " Squirrelflight mewed. So what Bluestar said was true, she thought. The night before, when they were still in Starclan, Bluestar had told Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight that to bring these kits into our world, we would need to have another litter. So they had spent the night in the woods alone.
"I don't know, " Jayfether's new broke into her thoughts.
"No queen has had two litters so soon. But it's never a bad thing to have more kits, " he continued. "It's just that you would have to stay in the nusury for a few more moons. "
She sighed.
"Will my milk still be here? I would need to feed my kits. " she mewed. Palekit, Leafkit and Robinkit had already opened their eyes, Jayfeather said that it was unusual for them to open their eyes so quickly. They are only three days old, and Rowankit still had his eyes closed, Leafpool was very worried.
She was very worried. What if a illness that can't be cured strikes him? What will I do? I fretted.
"Yes, your milk will still be there, and you'll have more after you had your second litter. " Jayfeather replied. "Now, eat these borage leaves and be on your way to the nursery, I'm very busy. "
After eating the borage leaves, Squirrelflight trotted back into the nursery.
Palekit's green eyes, Leafkit's amber eyes and Robinkit's blue eyes all shone excitement through the bushes beside the nursery.
"Is everything alright? " Squirrelflight asked.
"Rowankit opened his eyes! " Palekit squealed.
"Their very pretty! " Leafkit chirped.
"Come and see! " Robinkit squeaked.
Squirrelflight followed their gazes to where Rowankit was resting. He looked up and that's when she saw the most beautiful eyes. His left eye was a forest green and his right eye was amber.
"Are you Squirrelflight? " Rowankit asked in awe, both eyes shone.
"Yes. " she purred. "I am your mother and these are your littermates, Palekit, Leafkit and Robinkit. " Squirrelflight mewed as she nuzzled his cheek.
"Do I have a father? Can I meet him now? " he squeaked.
Brambleclaw! I almost forgotten to tell him!
"I'll get him! " she mewed.
Squirrelflight raced out of the nursery to the warriors den to find Brambleclaw.
But what she saw made her feel like she just ate stones.
Brambleclaw was sleeping unhurt, or what she thinks he is. A bloodied translucent gray pelt was standing over him, with claws unsheathed.
Squirrelflight arched her back and hissed.
"Ashfur... " she growled.

The End!

Stay tune for the next chapter!
Will update as soon as I can!
Bye and thanks for reading!

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