5:43 pmTaeger: hi y/n :)
Taeger: i hope you are not busy
You: oh not at all!
You: i'm glad you messaged me
You: im kinda bored
Taeger: me too 😫
You: how about you tell me about yourself?
Taeger: sure
Taeger: my name is tae, i love taking pictures and i love animals
Taeger: i also love gucci
Taeger: and i am a bts fanboy
You: aww that's cute
You: gucci? lmao is that you taehyung?
You: oh..
You: you're a fanboy too.
Taeger: yes i am
Taeger: is there something wrong??
You: nothing
You: i just remembered someone
Taeger: who?
You: a
You: person that i adore
Taeger: oh
Taeger: what happened?
You: he just disappeared
You: it's almost 7-8 months now
Taeger: i'm sorry :(
You: no no it's fine :)
You: i understand him tho
Taeger: okay
Taeger: how about you tell me about yourself too?
You: me? okay then
You: my name's y/n, i love food and reading, i also love cute things
You: i am a bts fangirl
Taeger: i love food and reading too! 😆
Taeger: you're an army?
Taeger: who's your bias?
You: uh
You: the maknae
Taeger: jungkook, taehyung, or jimin?
You: the first one
Taeger: oh
Taeger: mines taehyung
You: i can clearly see that
You: because of your profile picture
Taeger: hahaha 😂
Taeger: what are you doing right now?
You: nothing, just wasting my time looking at my screen again
You: and you?
Taeger: i'm eating 🍔
You: you're making me hungry
Taeger: lol
Taeger: the food is good
You: really?
You: send some to me
Taeger: nu
Taeger: 😛
You: rude
Taeger: hehe
Taeger: what's your favorite color?
You: (color)
Taeger: me too! 💕
Taeger: do you like paintings?
You: just some of them
Taeger: i see
Taeger: what do you look for in a guy?
You: uhm, anything, really
You: i just need someone who loves me back
You: and a honest person
Taeger: oooh
You: how about you?
You: wait
You: are you interested in girls or..?
Taeger: girls
You: okay, i don't assume genders lol
Taeger: 😂
You: so what type of girl do you like?
Taeger: i like a loving and sweet girl :)
Taeger: a girl who loves her parents and her family
Taeger: i also like girls who love little kids
Taeger: a girl who has humor
Taeger: a girl who can laugh at my lame jokes
Taeger: a girl who will stay by my side even though i'm weird sometimes 😅
Taeger: and a girl who also loves me back 😆💕
You: im dying why are you so cute
You: like how can you be this cute
You: the emojis get me
You: what are you doing
You: stop being cute
Taeger: lol 😂
Taeger: i am not cute
Taeger: i'm just handsome ;)
You: self-confidence
You: i like it
Taeger: haha
Taeger: okay i need to go now
You: oh take care :)
Taeger: you too 💕
Taeger: i'll see you y/n
Taeger has logged off.

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...