1:24 amTaeger: y/n?
Taeger: are you sleeping right now?
Taeger: sorry, if i'm bothering
You: oh! No no, i'm up
You: i'm calculating how many products we sold today
You: i might sleep later, so we could talk :)
Taeger: i'm glad that you'll talk to me
Taeger: how did your day go?
You: quite tiring
You: how about yours?
Taeger: nothing really special happened
Taeger: except right now, because talking with you is special to me
You: oh my-
You: my heart is- my heart is ohmygod
Taeger: oh and.. about yesterday
Taeger: um.. the video call..?
You: yes?
Taeger: i never really told you what i wanted to say
You: yes but hobi screamed it
Taeger: aish, pretend that you don't know
You: haha okay okay
Taeger: should i video call again?
You: don't! i look like a grandma lmao
You: just type it out tae
Taeger: okay
Taeger: it's a bit too late for this but whatever
Taeger: it starts with 'in'
Taeger: y/n, i'm inlove with you
Taeger: wait! Don't block me please
Taeger: maybe, you're thinking that i liked you because jungkook likes you too
Taeger: that's not it
Taeger: i would never do that to my friend
Taeger: but, it's just that
Taeger: i.. loved you right from the start
Taeger: y/n, i really love you
Taeger: but it's okay, if you don't feel the same way about me.
Taeger: i understand you, don't worry ^^
Taeger: i just needed to tell you, because i can't take it anymore
Taeger: i would still be your friend, you can always message me
Taeger: i will find jungkook for you, y/n
Taeger: because i don't like it when you're sad
Taeger: i want you to be happy
Taeger: and if being happy means that you'll be with jungkook
Taeger: then so be it
Taeger: are you still there?
Taeger: did you sleep on me again?
Taeger: i'm sorry, for everything wrong i have done to you.
Taeger: sleep well, and goodnight y/n
Taeger: let's talk later 😊❤
Taeger: byeee~
Taeger has logged off.
You: WAIT!
You: taehyung..
You: oh god, what's happening?

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...