Jungkook's POVThe weather was not fine at all. It was raining so hard here in Seoul. I hope Y/N's fine wherever she is.
"Jungkook?" Someone knocked on my door. "May I come in?"
A tall man enters, it was Jin. He's the only one who's allowed to be near me. I don't know exactly why.
"Goodmorning Jungkook," he smiles. "Did you sleep well?" He sat down on my bed, looking at me.
I shook my head and looked at the ceiling, "Of course I didn't sleep well. Like always."
I saw his smile slowly vanishing as soon as I spat those words out, "Jungkook, I'm sorry I can't do anything for you," He pats my head like I'm a kid. "I'm sorry this all had to happen to you. Let me go and tell this to Pdnim and--"
I sat on my bed and held his hand tightly, "No Jin hyung," I said. "I don't want you to get involved in this mess that I created."
"But Jungkook, this isn't right."
I let go of his hand and looked outside my window, "I know. But I can endure the pain. They told me that I could meet and see her if I just obey their commands."
"Oh.. our poor little maknae," He ruffles my hair and stood up. He went beside me and sat in front of me. "You really love her, do you?"
"A lot. A lot more than you can ever think," I chuckle. "I really miss her, hyung."
"I always wondered how being in love felt like," He said and looked above, imagining being in love. "Ah, I don't know."
"You're always silly hyung," we both laugh. But then I came up with the best plan ever, "Hey hyung, I just thought of something!" I excitedly stood up.
"Oh, what is it?"
"How about you go and message Y/N for me?" I said. "Isn't it a brilliant idea?" I happily told him.
"I could but.. What if I get caught?"
I blinked twice, "You're right hyung, but can you just message her for me? For just one time, I just want her to know that I'm okay. That I miss her."
Jin smiled, "Okay okay. I'll do it for Kook."
"Thank you hyung!" I replied with a smile and hugged him.
"No problem," He said. "Also, why are you crying last night?"
I retreated back and sat on a chair, still facing him. "He tore my letter to Y/N. I was supposed to give it to her once we meet again."
I heard him say 'Oh'. But he didn't say anything after that, he just looked down and felt sorry for me.
"Okay, let's redo that part again. Can you like, hit that high note again, Jimin? And Jungkook, more energy to your voice please!" I heard Namjoon say. I just nod and proceeded in singing.
After our recording, I was at the hallway, walking slowly. I was really exhausted but I need to go and practice the dance step for our new song.
"Ah, Jungkook. You're also going to the studio right? Let me come with you," One of our staffs said. I knew someone would still monitor where I'm going.
He presses the elevator button. We both wait for it to open. Once it opened, we both enter. He presses the 'G' button and waits for it to close again.
I saw someone walking in the hallway, using his phone and smiling. It was Taehyung. I wonder what he's doing these past few days. I miss playing overwatch with him.
He lifted his head up and looks at me with widened eyes. He runs towards the elevator, hoping to catch up inside before it closes.
"Jungkook! Jungkook!" He shouts, what's he doing? "I need to tell you s--" He was too late, the door closed before he could finish his sentence.
Although, I'm still wondering what he wanted to say. And why was he rushing? Is it important?

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...