6:12 pmTaeger: y/n?
Taeger: can we talk about something?
Taeger: also, good evening
You: yes tae, hello there
You: i just got home
You: i'll change my clothes okay? just keep on chatting
You: i'll be back
Taeger: oh okay
Taeger: i just want to tell you something about jungkook
Taeger: i finally saw him, i tried talking to him but i couldn't
Taeger: our manager was there, looking and glaring at me
Taeger: i'm sorry again.
Taeger: but don't worry, i'll do everything to talk to him again
Taeger: 😊
You: jungkook?
You: really??
You: oh god, what was your manager doing there?!
Taeger: i don't really know, but it looks like he's monitoring jungkook
Taeger: making me unable to say the things i want to tell him
You: if i had money, i would fly across Seoul and stab him if i could
You: I'm really worried about jungkook ;;
You: ah, I miss him
You: tell me if they're hurting him, okay?
Taeger: I'm sure jungkook misses you too ^^
Taeger: i will
You: thank you, tae
You: i'm worried now, i wonder how he's doing
You: how are you btw?
Taeger: i'm fine
Taeger: and you?
You: same as you
You: i don't really know how to talk right now
You: like-- i don't have any topics in mind
Taeger: me too
Taeger: how about you tell me about how jungkook and you messaged each other?
You: oh, that
You: okay then, if you say so
You: he told me that he found my username on twitter, and that he stalked me
Taeger: oh, he told you..that?
You: yeah
You: something wrong?
Taeger: ah, no, continue.
You: and then he told me that he liked me
You: well, i like him the very first time because i had this weird feeling whenever i chat
You: and then i confessed to him, without knowing that he's jungkook
You: he did many great things to me, and my mom
You: he's really kind and nice
You: we planned, the fansigning event, jungkook escaping, jungkook holding my hands and dragging me, guk finally revealing his identity, staffs arriving, taking him away, he cried, i messaged him, he couldn't be reached anymore
You: i was really sad that day
You: we had so many memories together
You: even if it's just online
You: it means a lot to me
You: i never knew i would love a random internet friend
You: yeah, so that's about it
You: damn, that was long
Taeger: that's so sweet
Taeger: destiny really brought the two of you together ^^
Taeger: like, wow.
Taeger: he found your username and stalked you?
Taeger: that means he's really interested in you
Taeger: i can't believe it
Taeger: so that's why jungkook was always happy
Taeger: it all cleared up to me now
Taeger: anyways, i need to go find jungkook
Taeger: let's talk later
You: ah, okay
You: take care :)
Taeger: you too y/n ❤
Taeger: bye~
Taeger has logged off.

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...