Chapter 37

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Day 3


Third day, new memories and more time together. More giggling, more stories, more experiences and more feelings to be told.

9:00 am.

It was a rainy morning that day, they both decided to just stay inside the room until it stops. Taehyung ordered breakfast for the both of them.

"Why does it have to rain now?" Y/n said, still covered by her blankets. "It's cold too, Christmas is near."

Taehyung smiled hearing her soft voice, "You know what else is near?" She looked at him, waiting for him to answer his own question. "My birthday!"

"Ah, you're right," She broke eye contact with him. "Advance happy birthday, Taehyung," She managed to smile after saying that. But deep inside, she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces. She knew that Taehyung would be sad because of her, but she's hoping that Taehyung would move on easily and find a new lover, that he truly deserves.

"Thank you, thank you," He smiled. "If I invite you to my birthday, would you come?"

She closed her eyes and bit her lip. Guess she can't escape this topic just like that. "Of course I would! But you never know what happens, right? I might be busy, but I won't let that stand in my way."

"Oh..." Taehyung looked down. "Busy, like, with Jungkook?" His voice almost cracked when he said that.

She immediately turned around and shook her head, "Oh no no! I meant work," She awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "I'm sure that if I'm with Jungkook, he'll probably come to your birthday too, don't worry. He might even be the first one to show up there."

Taehyung just nodded silently and faced the other way, pretending to be waiting for their breakfast. But little did she know that he feels like crying right now. This is only the third day, four more days to go and this will all come to an end. Taehyung and Y/n's story would be replaced with Jungkook and Y/n.

A few knocks filled the awkward atmosphere, Taehyung stood up and got the door for the both of them. Their breakfast arrived, well, it's not that exciting since they'll be eating separately. They didn't even say something to each other, they just ate.


10:15 am.

The bad weather didn't change at all, instead, it became worse. Leaving the both of them locked and freezing inside the room.

Taehyung saw y/n shivering and it made him worry. "Are you okay, y/n?" He asked, finally he talked to her. "Wait, I'll get more blankets," He approached a cabinet and got a ton of sheets. "Or you could just take a warm bath."

"No it's okay, I'm used to it don't worry," She sneezed. "Well, maybe not."

"Take a bath, I don't want you to freeze," He told her. "Don't worry, I won't leave. I just don't want you to get sick, okay?"

She blushed and nodded, grabbing some of her clothes and heading to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and started to take a warm and relaxing bath.

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