2:19 pmTaeger: y/n!!!
You: oh, hey tae
Taeger: is it okay if we video call each other?
You: i need to go see a friend but okay, it can wait lol
Taeger: nice!
Taeger: i just need to tell you something important, hehe ❤
Taeger is calling. . .
(Dean: Please ignore what Taehyung said at 1:10, this is just the most accurate video I've found so please bare with me lol. Also, credits to "KimTaehyungs Bae")
Video call has ended.
You: oh god that was fun HAHAHA
You: hobi and jimin are so cuteee
You: what do you want to tell me though?
You: you could've just messaged me haha
Taeger: uhh..
Taeger: i need to go now bye!
Taeger: take care y/n!
Taeger: have a nice day
Taeger has logged off.
Please watch the video for a better experience lmao.
Thanks for reading!

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...