12:01 pmTaeger: hello
Taeger: y/n?
Taeger: I just woke up
You: oh hey tae
You: I'm currently eating lunch
You: goodmorning to you :)
Taeger: thank you
Taeger: sorry for this sudden question but
Taeger: do you think I'm a bad guy?
You: what?
You: bad guy?
You: of course not! why would I think that?
Taeger: maybe you think I'm hiding jungkook away from you
Taeger: maybe you are bored chatting with me because you want jungkook to chat with you
Taeger: maybe you think that I'm not fun to be with
Taeger: maybe you think I'm just fooling you
Taeger: maybe you think I'm fake
Taeger: I'm saying the truth, and only the truth to you y/n :(
Taeger: I don't really know what is happening to jungkook right now
Taeger: of course we don't want him to get hurt
You: omg taehyung noooo
You: I don't think about that at all!
You: im not bored chatting with you
You: why would I get bored if Kim Taehyung is chatting with me?????
You: and of course you won't hide jungkook
You: don't worry tae, I trust you
You: now stop thinking those things
Taeger: okay, I'm sorry y/n
You: don't say sorry
You: let's just change the topic
Taeger: alright
Taeger: I don't know what to talk about
You: me neither lol
You: how about...
You: oh I know!
You: why do you like Gucci so much?
Taeger: because for me, it looks nice
Taeger: it looks beautiful in my eyes
Taeger: I love fashion, haha 😂
You: ohh
You: I see now
You: did you eat breakfast yet?
Taeger: I'm about to ^^
You: good, eat well :)
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Taeger: 😆
You: do you want me to die this early
You: this is abuse
Taeger: hehe
Taeger: I'm too lazy to eat breakfast
You: but you have to eat
You: to gain energy
You: i still cant get over that thing you sent
You: stob it you're bias wrecking me
Taeger: oh, sorry, i won't do it again
You: i MEAN--
You: i lowkey like it tho
Taeger: lowkey..?
You: like, a little bit
Taeger: oohh
Taeger: i love that you teach me english words
You: no problem
You: now go eat
Taeger: yes y/n 😊
Taeger: i'll talk to you later okay?
You: of course taehyung
You: eat well! ❤
Taeger: have a nice day y/n~
Taeger has logged off.

Fanfiction"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...