7:16 amTaeger: goodmorning!
Taeger: 😊🌞
Taeger: are you awake now, y/n?
You: oh! Hey tae
You: yes, im at the café rn
You: why aren't you sleeping?
Taeger: i don't know :(( i can't sleep
You: aw try listening to music
You: i do that all the time
Taeger: but i want to talk with you
You: i mean we could but im working
You: and you also need sleep
You: you don't want to get sick again, right?
You: go to sleep
Taeger: okay
Taeger: but let's talk later
You: sure sure
You: goodnight taehyung ^^
Taeger: bye y/n 💕😁
9:00 pm
Taeger: hiii im here now
Taeger: yoongi hyung is screaming next door
Taeger: help 😂😂
You: hi tae
You: omg really???
You: why is he screaming?
Taeger: a fan sent him a kumamon plushie
You: awww that's so cutee ;;;;;
You: i can imagine him jumping up and down while hugging kumamon
You: CUTEEEEEE ;;;;;
Taeger: i know haha
Taeger: he's like a kid
You: true
You: what are you doing rn tae?
Taeger: oh, drawing
You: drawing what?
Taeger: me and armys
You: okay, that's sweet
Taeger: thank you 😂
You: can i see?
Taeger: nooo
Taeger: i'm not confident with my works
You: why? Don't be like that
You: im pretty sure your drawing's better than i could ever draw
Taeger: im shy
Taeger: i'll let you see when i have the courage okay?
You: alright, sounds good to me
Taeger: thanks y/n 😄
Taeger: hbu? what r u doing?
Taeger: i hope i used hbu right
You: don't worry, you used it correctly lol
You: i'm actually watching bangtan bombs
Taeger: which one?
You: all
Taeger: really? are you going to do that?
You: why not?
You: of course im doing it
You: you guys are my life
Taeger: oh!! 😱 fangirls do that???
You: yep
Taeger: please don't watch all day!
Taeger: you might hurt your eyes y/n!! 😫
Taeger: i don't want that to happen
Taeger: please rest too!
Taeger: don't worry about us too much, we are doing okay! ❤
You: gosh, it's okay taehyung
You: this is too cute for me to handle >////<
You: i'll try
You: but there's just something about you guys that makes me addicted
You: it's like bts is my drugs
You: i can't get enough of it
You: i want it every second
You: i don't know, what have you guys done to me?
Taeger: really??
Taeger: i dont know why too
Taeger: anyways, im pretty tired
Taeger: me and jimin went to an amusement park and went to all rides
Taeger: that's why im a bit exhausted 😅
You: oooh, you and jimin dated?
You: vmin ❤❤
You: im just kidding
You: the both of you are really best friends huh?
Taeger: yes, because he always helps me
Taeger: my eyes are shutting
Taeger: i don't want to fall asleep on you
Taeger: so bye y/n! 💕
Taeger: please take care ❤
You: you too taehyung
You: byeee, sleep well ^^
Taeger has logged off.

أدب الهواة"Y/n?" "I'm sorry who's this?" [I suggest you read 'Mr. Bunny' first before reading this. But if you don't want to..then it's your choice, YOLO] 1K reads - Sept 25, 2017 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN 7K - Oct 1 50K - Nov 1 #984 in Fanfiction - Sept 27, 2017 #...