Chapter 5: Shenanigans (i.e. Woozi in a Towel)

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"It's locked," Hoshi announced. "Should I try the back door?"

Confusion flitted across Vernon's face. "How do you—"

"Every hotel has one," Hoshi answered.

"That's not what I was trying to say," Vernon laughed. "What I mean is—"

"Then you should be more clear next time." Hoshi shook his head and gestured to Vernon when he noticed Woozi was watching them. "Be careful with this one."

Woozi sighed. I could've joined Tempest. We could've debuted as Tempest, just the five of us. "I think I'm beginning to regret my choice of a group."

"Don't stop there." Hoshi suppressed a chuckle. "Apply it to your general life choices, as well. Like why you joined a K-pop group—"

"I joined it because of the music."

"—if you hate acting and aegyo. If the only reason you joined is for the music, you might as well have been a disc jockey."

"Yah!" Woozi warned. "I never said I hated acting. I just need some improvement, that's all."

"If I was as bad at acting as you are, I'd hate it, too," Hoshi concluded with a straight face.

Woozi had had enough. Vernon sensed this and stepped in before things got ugly. I swear, the smallest peppers are always the spiciest. "Enough, Hoshi. This isn't really a good time for jokes."

"I disagree. The tenser the atmosphere, the greater the need for something to lighten the mood."

Woozi brushed some imaginary dust from his sweater. "That may be true, but insulting my acting skills and my love of music probably wasn't the best way to go."

Hoshi winced. "You're right. I'm sorry, Jihoon. No hard feelings?"

"Of course not," Woozi said with a half-smile. "I know you were kidding, but right now, it's a little much." He tested the door himself, the metal bolt groaning inside the lock, but the door wouldn't budge. "I think we'll have to climb in a window. If only Mingyu were here..."

"Why him?" Vernon asked bitterly. "There's nothing he can do that we can't do ourselves."

"Whoa," Woozi said, taking a step back in surprise. "I can actually hear the resentment in your voice, Vernon. I just meant that he's tall. We'll be fine on our own; it just might be a little harder, that's all."

"I'll be right back." With that said, Hoshi sprinted through the parking lot.

"Hoshi, wait—" Woozi called after him, but it was already too late. Hoshi had turned the corner and disappeared.

Vernon squinted after him. "Where's he going?"

Woozi's shoulders twitched. "I wish I knew..."

Three minutes passed before Hoshi returned. Bent over with his hands on his knees, his chest heaving for air, he looked up at them apologetically while he fought to catch his breath. When he finally regained his composure, he stood up straight and pointed to the black metal fence framing one side of the hotel.

"The lowest windows are down by the pool."

Vernon snorted. "Is that why you left?"

Hoshi nodded.

Jihoon was clearly amused. "You didn't have to run!"

"I was making up for lost time."

Vernon rolled his eyes. "Only Hoshi..."

To their relief, the front gate had a simple lock mechanism holding it in place but no padlock. Vernon slid it across with ease, and they all filed inside, Woozi commenting on how fun it would be at his height to try and climb over the fence, had it been locked.

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