Chapter 35: Homecoming (i.e. Woozi's Journals)

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Everyone was waiting for Woozi's instructions. But they never came. Jihoon had no intention of stepping up and taking charge—that was something he left to S.Coups, their one and only leader. Seungcheol rallied them with a pep talk and reminded them that as long as they were together, there was nothing that could stand in their way.

"Are you guys ready?"

No one responded. Wonwoo couldn't bear to look at Pledis; his heart ached far too much for something they once had, something they no longer possessed. Something he wished they could have back.

S.Coups stood behind the door and held it open for the others. "Come on. It's time to end this once and for all." Ten boys stared sheepishly back at him without moving. S.Coups was losing patience, but over the years he had learned how to hold it in and put on a gentle smile. "The longer we stand outside in the cold, the harder it's going to be to face the past and walk inside. Think of it this way: we're home, guys. We're finally home. Now take a deep breath and trust me. We'll go in two at a time. I'll go first."

Woozi clung to Hoshi like a Christmas ornament as he navigated his way down the narrow hallway, one that opened up to a furnished lobby, all cream-colored walls and ornate furniture, the frames of a couple ancient paintings tinted more of a beige than the brown of the desk, similar to the couch fabric. Woozi's sneakers squeaked on the floor, but he hardly noticed over the sound of his wildly thumping heart. Subconsciously, he grabbed Hoshi's shirt. "It's all coming back to me now. I remember where we are. Why we're here. Why this place connects the thirteen of us." His eyes widened to the size of two large marbles. "We have to get upstairs. Right now!"

"Can't it wait?" Hoshi grimaced; Woozi's hand had found his arm, and his friend's nails were biting into his wrist, so he tried vainly to pry Jihoon's fingers off. "What about the others? We came as a team. We should stick together."

"I guess you're right." Instead of taking off without them, Woozi decided to be a team player and waited for the others to climb in the elevator beside him, though it wasn't without fidgeting. And the ride up seemed to last an eternity...

Vernon pressed the button for the fourth floor. A bop of a song drifted down from the speakers above. "Oh?" Vernon tilted his head up at the ceiling. "They changed the elevator music."

"No, they didn't," Jeonghan said. "A different song plays for each number you press."


"How can you not know that?" Hoshi called from the back.

"Yeah, Vernon. Where you been all this time?" Wonwoo teased.

Vernon was lost. "I have no idea."

"Why are you guys acting surprised?" Jun nudged Vernon. "This is the guy that listens to music twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week—rain or shine, practice or no practice. He didn't get the nickname 'Mr. Headphones' for nothing, you know."

Ding. When the ride was over, and the elevator reached the desired fourth floor, Jihoon was gone—and Hoshi, too. Woozi dragged that kid everywhere. "It's somewhere around here, isn't it?"

"That would depend on what you're looking for."

Seeing the door to his studio struck Woozi like a bolt of lightning. On the spot, he reminisced all the times he had locked himself inside, trying to work to the background noise of Hoshi's and Seungkwan's "Andromeda" TV show.

Almost as if reading Jihoon's thoughts, Hoshi stopped and ran a hand along the edge of a black desk; his fingers left a clear smudge in the thick layer of dust. "I remember this place... This is where we filmed 'Andromeda!' You remember, don't you? We broadcasted on AfreecaTV, every week without fail. The harder we worked and the longer the promotions, the more fans would come to cheer us on. It hasn't been that long since then... has it?"

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