Chapter 11: The End of Something Beautiful (i.e. Woozi's One Decent Quality)

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"I don't know what I'm going to do with you," Woozi said, shaking his head. "If your shoulder really is broken..." He knelt on the bed, his knees pressing into the cotton blanket, his hands hovering over Vernon, wishing he could help him, yet knowing that there was nothing he could do.

Five pale fingers on Vernon's right hand squeezed his left arm in an attempt to dissipate the searing pain. He grated his teeth together and tried to ignore it, tried to convince himself it wasn't half as bad as he was making it out to be, all while trying desperately not to squirm. Even the smallest of movements sent a shock through his limbs and brought agony to every part of his body. Chest rising and falling rapidly, and with a sense of urgency, his lungs heaving for air, Hansol parted his lips and strained to speak, but only a hoarse moan could escape.

"If it's really broken," Woozi continued on obliviously, "I'm not a doctor, and I don't know where you'd expect me to find you one—"

Vernon raked his nails across the mattress, ripping tiny holes in the fabric. "I can't do this anymore!"

Wide-eyed, Woozi exclaimed, "Vernon, what are you saying?"

Hansol's voice shook. "I tried so hard... so hard to play the leader role... to keep everyone safe... but I can't do it anymore. I simply don't have it in me... It's time to step up your role, Woozi. I wasn't cut out for this sort of thing, but you are... I can't think of anyone better."

All this praise made Woozi uncomfortable. "I'm flattered, Vernon, really. But isn't this a bad time to discuss such a heavy topic? You just busted your shoulder. You need to rest."

Vernon relaxed his tense shoulder blades and tentatively kicked off his shoes. The constant ache was gradually diminishing, if only slightly, as he was almost too exhausted to stay conscious. "I think you're right. Here," he said sleepily, "take these down to Hoshi before they spoil." Unbuttoning his coat with his one good hand, he took out a package of smoked sausages and two sirloin steaks.

Woozi weighed a bundle in each hand. The brand name and the price tag told him everything he needed to know. His mouth watered at the very thought of a juicy steak and some tender sausages.

"Wait a minute... we were in the fruit section!" Jihoon protested. "Where'd you get these?"

"Don't worry about it," Vernon mumbled. "It's called improvising... you should try it sometime." Before Woozi could counter, Hansol was fast asleep.


Hoshi's kimbap was restaurant quality, and he set it aside in the fridge to chill before dinner. As the elevator clunked its way up to the second floor, he assumed that his friends had already returned from the market. But one thing Hoshi didn't expect to open the door to was the sight of Woozi leaning nervously over Vernon, and he knew something was wrong almost immediately. At first, Woozi didn't want to say anything, but it was only a matter of time before the dam broke, and the story came flooding from Jihoon's mouth like water gushing through the cracks.

"S.Coups did this?" Hoshi refused to believe it. SEVENTEEN's leader had never shown any tendencies towards violence, nor had he ever wanted to deliberately hurt someone. Sure, there were times during the "SEVENTEEN PROJECT" when things got a little out of hand—especially when there was rivalry involved, in which his competitive spirit thrived—but, inside, he was nothing more than a cinnamon roll. There were many a time when S.Coups would take the fall, just to spare the others some suffering. But now Vernon had a hurt shoulder, and Woozi was adamant that Seungcheol was at fault.

Jihoon lowered his voice to an angry whisper. "I heard footsteps from far away. Jun was out cold, The8 was clueless as to what happened, and Dino and Dokyeom were the ones who helped us escape. Then a rock splinters the fence right when Vernon is about to climb over, and S.Coups disappears, not a trace of him to be found... what would you think?" he demanded.

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