Chapter 9: Shopping Spree (i.e. S.Coups's Vengeful Spirit)

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The two of them kept to the sidewalk, Vernon walking with his hands buried deep within his pockets, his eyes watching the black streetlights sway in the icy wind. Woozi was discomforted by his stomach's incessant howling. He rubbed his midsection in an attempt to ease the pain. "I'm really hungry."

"Me, too," Vernon said. "Three English muffins and two oranges is a pretty sad breakfast."

"Remember when I told you I'd taken off my ring to wash the dishes and that I'd left it in the kitchen?"

Vernon eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah, why? We never take our rings off..."

"I wasn't thinking straight." Woozi bit his lip guiltily. "The real reason is... I was still hungry, and I snuck down there to find a dessert that wasn't too sweet."

"What?" Vernon laughed. "Why'd you keep it a secret? We wouldn't have cared."

"Hunger can drive you to extremes. I can't explain it. Anyways, most of the cookies and cakes were smothered in icing, and there was nothing to my taste except for a plate of dark chocolate brownies. I choked them down with a glass of milk. I wasn't expecting much."

"How were they?"

"Surprisingly delicious. After the second one, I really took a liking to them." Woozi scrutinized the white laces adorning his red sneakers. "I'm just glad we're finally able to make this trip to the store. Now we can pick up some canned fruits and vegetables, and maybe even a few frozen meats. And if we're lucky, some of the fresh stuff might still be good."

Vernon stopped short and pressed his hand protectively against Woozi's chest, holding him back.

Jihoon anticipated trouble. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know yet," Vernon said in a low voice, "but something isn't right. I wish Hoshi were here... he has a strange way of knowing which places to avoid—in other words, where it's safe and where it's not."

"Don't worry about Hoshi. What are you feeling?"

"It's more common sense than an actual 'feeling.' All the lights are on in the store, but there are faint shadows falling across the entrance."

"You think someone's there."

"Yes. Someone came here before us, but they never left."

Woozi's throat constricted when he swallowed; he was losing his nerve. "Maybe we should turn back—"

Vernon grabbed his friend's arm. "We can't. We either face them here and now or starve back at the hotel. We need supplies, Woozi, and this is the closest we've come to getting them. Just stick close to me."

Woozi ripped his arm from Vernon's tight grasp, his dark eyes smoldering. "Don't treat me like a child. I'm two years your superior, and I don't need you watching over me. I can take care of myself."

Woozi's anger washed over Vernon in scalding hot waves. Promptly apologizing for his mistake, he promised it wouldn't happen again. "I didn't realize I was smothering you. I just don't want anything to happen to you, Jihoon. You're my friend."

"I know." Woozi's expression softened with a smile that reached his eyes. "I didn't mean to shout. I appreciate your concern—really, I do—but we're team, and you need to stop cutting me so much slack. We both need to pull our own weight."

"Well said." Vernon peered through the front window, but all he saw was a mixture of glare from the sun and his own form reflected in the glass. "Let's assume that they're watching us right now. If we stand out here much longer, they're gonna know something's up. Let's casually walk in like we don't suspect a thing. Whatever's waiting for us on the other side of those doors... we'll be ready for it."

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