Chapter 18: Three Parallel Paths (i.e. BooSeokSoon, SEVENTEEN's Gag Trio)

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Concealed within The8's expressive eyes was a sincere apology. "Vernon, I know this might hurt, and I'm very sorry, but it has to be done."

Hansol was leaning against the headboard with closed eyes and a taut jawline. "It's fine. Just get it over with."

With skilled hands, The8 carefully prodded Vernon's shoulder, searching for the slightest indication of a fracture, but other than some swelling under the skin he found nothing.

"Aah!" Vernon moaned. "That hurts. That really, really hurts." He shoved his friend back with the last of his waning strength and cradled his shoulder in his right hand.

Minghao seemed upset. Invoking pain had not been his intention. "The good news is it's not broken, just sprained."

"How wonderful," Vernon hissed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You practically killed me just to state the obvious."

"I'm sorry," Minghao repeated. "I was just trying to help—"

"If you really want to help me, go fetch me another bag of ice and some painkillers. And if you can't even do that, then you're no use to anyone, so you might as well get lost."

"Vernon, that's enough." Hoshi stood in the doorway, his eyes stern. Harshly, he said, "I don't care if you're sick. You have no reason to treat Minghao that way."

Vernon opened his eyes and watched Hoshi for some time without saying a word. Recognition slowly crept into his gaze, and then finally remorse. "I apologize. I'm not thinking straight. Thank you, Minghao. It's a relief that my shoulder isn't broken. I don't know what I would have done if it was."

The8's expression brightened with a smile. "No problem. I'll go get you some ice."

"And I'll be charge of the painkillers," Hoshi said. "There should be some around here somewhere, and if not I'll head out to the pharmacy to pick some up."

Vernon had every intention of thanking them again once he had sought a more comfortable position on the bed, but as soon as his head hit the pillow, all his thoughts faded away, and he nodded off to sleep.


In the lobby, Jihoon was ranting on the couch, and Soonyoung was enduring it while standing up. 

"This is driving me crazy!" Woozi screeched. Sweat glued his shirt to his skin, and he had difficulty peeling it off. Tired of fighting it, he eventually went shirtless, having no other choice. For nearly three days, he'd been wearing the same clothes, and he just couldn't stand it anymore! Jihoon tossed his shirt at the wall, just missing Hoshi, who happened to be passing by.

"Watch where you're throwing things," Soonyoung said. "You almost hit me in the face."

"I have no clean clothes!"

"Then why don't you do some laundry?"

"You know why." Woozi's cheeks blossomed red. "In order to do laundry, one of us will have to go naked."

An uncomfortable grin spread across Hoshi's face. "I'm fond of you... but not that fond."

"Same, same."

"So, where—"

"I don't care. Just take whatever you can find."

Hoshi struck a dramatic pose. "If I'm not back in an hour, tell my children I love them."

Woozi, the realist, countered, "I hate to break it to you, friend, but until we find a way to bring everyone back, that won't be happening for any of us."

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