Chapter 12: Bubble Wrap & Packing Tape (i.e. Seungkwan, Jejudo's Bowling Champ)

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"It's cold," Joshua complained. A shudder tore through his body, and he wrapped his arms around himself to try and keep warm. Torn jeans may have been the latest style, but they sure were a poor choice in the winter. And the loose, pale blue, open-collar dress shirt he had thrown on wasn't any better, for it allowed the bitter wind to bite through to his tender, exposed skin.

Mingyu pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his black trench coat, relishing the warmth of the taut blood-red turtleneck underneath. "You should've brought a heavier coat."

Joshua perceived this as an attack and retorted fiercely, "I didn't have the time! I was fast asleep when Jun came barging into my bedroom, spouting out some nonsense about time stopping and everyone disappearing from the face of the earth, just like in the movies. I could barely get my pants on before he was pushing me out the door."

"Well, that's unfortunate, isn't it?" Boo Seungkwan said savagely.

Jeonghan's dark eyes gleamed, and it was clear he was formulating a plan. "I'd love to share my coat with my closest friend."

Joshua perked up. "Really?"

"Mmmhmm. If he were here." Jeonghan cackled evilly.

Joshua sighed. "You guys are heartless."

"We know," the three of them said in unison.

Wonwoo quietly observed his friends without saying a word. He seldom spoke unless an imperative thought disrupted the pool of his peace of mind. "Any idea where we're going?" (Not such an "imperative" thought, after all...)

Mingyu raised an eyebrow and shot a glance over his shoulder. "You want to have fun, don't you?"

"Yes...?" Wonwoo knew the answer was obvious, yet he couldn't tell if his friend was expecting a response, so he gave one nonetheless.

"How about a day at the movies?" Mingyu gestured to the broad brick entrance of a decent-sized theater, sporting a white sign with bold lettering. "It's been a stressful morning. We could all use some time to wind down."

Wonwoo's eyes brightened behind his round wire glasses. "What's playing?"

"Whatever you choose. I'll make it happen." Mingyu opened the door with a flourish, his shadow merging with a wall of black, one that pressed against their bodies like an icy blanket. Joshua and Jeonghan didn't need any more encouragement. They raced inside like two little boys at the sight of a candy store. Wonwoo wandered in, star struck, and Seungkwan, like he was in a dream. Mingyu was the last to enter, laughing quietly to himself and shaking his head at their many boyish charms (and what he considered to be childish enthusiasm).

Joshua took off his shoes at the door and discarded them on the welcome mat, his peachy hair hiding his eyes. Mingyu couldn't help but stare in amazement. "What are you doing?"

Joshua curled his toes into the plush velvet carpet, his eyes dreamy and unfocused. "Whatever makes me feel more at home." He locked fingers with Jeonghan and dragged him off exploring. The darkness welcomed them with a frosty embrace, like a whisper lost on the wind, and their bodies were swallowed up in it, until they had merely vanished from sight.

Wonwoo chose his own path, and Seungkwan, having lost everyone else, followed closely behind him. Jeon Wonwoo was searching blindly for the light at the end of the tunnel, and he finally found it in the form of a sunlit bowling alley.

"What?" Almost like an American tourist flailing through a foreign country, he, too, seemed both puzzled and delighted. "I thought this was a movie theatre."

"It is," Seungkwan said with a nod. "It's been upgraded, though, since it first opened. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an arcade here, as well."

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