Chapter 31: An Ace Up His Sleeve (i.e. Jun's Shocking Reversal)

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As the sun dipped between the skyscrapers, and a canvas speckled with stars tilted into the night sky, Jun moved systematically amongst the shelves, crossing things off a short list as he went. Later on, under the soft white glow of the ceiling lights, Jun drew his hood up and zipped his jacket closed. "Pack your bags—we're heading to Belview."

But DK didn't hear him; he was moving restlessly about, his mind writhing with memories, while Dino watched silently from one corner. As DK came to a stop and peered through the glass doors, he almost seemed to ask the night sky why Vernon was so adamant that S.Coups was injured, a question that had been bothering him for hours.

But the black mass of sky stared back at him uselessly. It was Dino who stepped forward and supplied an answer. "The8 must've said something about the knife and the blood on Jun's shirt."

DK was clueless. "That was blood?"

"What did you think it was?" Dino retorted wearily. "The8 knew S.Coups was fine... at least, physically. But he must've put ideas in their heads when he told them the story." At DK's uncomprehending gaze, Dino went on, "Remember when Jun slit his head on that wooden crate?"

"You mean the one we burned in the back alley?"

"Yes. The blood on Jun's shirt was from his own wound."

"Ah," DK said, finally on the same page as his younger friend. "Then it was all just a misunderstanding."

"What's it matter now, anyway?" Dino snapped. "Why do you even care?"

"I just wish we could clear things up with them, that's all."

"Don't you dare get sentimental on me," Dino growled, and he meant it.

Just then, DK remembered Jun's passing comment before the boy shut himself in his office without another word. "What was that all about? Packing for what?"

Dino picked up a bent pipe and banged it against his left palm, his lips forming a crooked smile. "It's what we've all been waiting for—a late-night confrontation. Jeonghan won't know what hit him..."

DK stared at Dino's hands. "Where'd you get that pipe? This is a supermarket..."

"Does it matter?" Dino grumbled. "You heard Jun—go pack your bags already!"


"WHY ELSE?" Dino shouted back. "After tonight, the hotel belongs to us."


The journey to Belview was one of strained silence and individual reflection. If anyone so much as spoke, they were immediately hushed by Jun, who was currently immersed in the depths of his subconscious.

The chain-link fence was latched but not locked. Three reusable shopping bags clunked in the dirt. Jun paused to the left of the garden and searched each room for signs of life. Switching on his flashlight, he shined the beam through the window, illuminating the two stricken faces of Joshua and The8. Then Woozi entered the frame, pushed between the two, his eyes narrowed, as if this was something he'd been anticipating from the very beginning. Minghao motioned for Jun to wait outside, that he would come down to meet him. Jun flashed an injured smile and agreed.

The8 emerged from the building alone. "Jun, what is it now?"

Dino and DK accepted their roles as followers; they asked no questions and blindly followed their leader's orders. Not a single one of them expected what happened next.

Jun fell to his knees, clinging feebly to The8's jersey, and begged to be accepted. DK's jaw slackened, and Dino almost choked—Jun was giving up everything, even his own dignity, to apologize to Minghao. DK grasped the concept, swallowed his pride, and dropped to the dirt, joining their leader in the plea for forgiveness; he bowed his head and urged Dino to do the same, but it wasn't meant to be. Jeonghan was standing behind closed doors, observing the scene. One glimpse of him through the glass stirred fear in Dino and urged him to bolt in the opposite direction, rather than face his own demons.

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