Chapter 7: Concrete & Cars (i.e. Dino's Dark Depression)

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S.Coups was always one step ahead of the others; it was his way of expressing his authority. Disregarding the "closed" sign in the front window, he cut through a bookstore and ducked down a side alley until he came to a four-way intersection flanked by a square garden; the plot was rather pitiful up close, more like a patch of grass with some trees scattered here and there than a real garden.

A timid DK finally found the courage to speak up. "Where exactly are we going—?"

"Save your breath," S.Coups said. "It's right in front of you."

Unease flickered across Dino's face, and his eyes betrayed more than a few misgivings. "The parking garage? That's where we're setting up?"

S.Coups took a swig from a silver flask. "Yeah. You got a problem with that?"

"No, of course not," Dino said quickly, running a hand through his ash brown hair. "I just... wonder where we're going to sleep amidst all the concrete and cars."

"We'll make it work," Jun said optimistically. "Just give it a chance."

Seungcheol smirked. "I like a man who doesn't question his leader's orders. They live a lot longer that way."

Bewildered, Dino fell back a step with DK. They could both agree that the day wasn't going at all like they planned.

S.Coups crossed the street alone. It was only when he casually cast a glance over one shoulder that he realized no one had left the safety of the sidewalk. Four pairs of frightened eyes were locked on the entrance to the parking garage, as if an evil spirit had appeared before the decaying gray columns. Rolling his eyes, he whipped around on the asphalt and said angrily, "I expected more of you. I thought you trusted me. But I see now that you're nothing but a bunch of cowards."

"Coups..." Jun warned.

"What?" Seungcheol hissed in return.

The8 glared at their leader. "That isn't fair, and you know it. We're a team, and we just wish you'd tell us your... your..."—he glanced helplessly at the others, his tongue stumbling over words unformed, his hands grasping the air but coming back empty. "I... I don't know."

S.Coups arced an eyebrow; he almost felt sorry for The8. Coming from China, he could imagine how Minghao's lack of fluency in Korean could be frustrating for him at times, especially when he was trying to communicate something important but couldn't get the message through, no matter how hard he tried. Another sip from the silver flask washed away what little sympathy S.Coups had left.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Either toughen up or get out." Without looking back, he sprinted through the front entrance, as if daring them to follow, and climbed the narrow winding staircase to the second floor.

Anxiety pumped adrenaline through Dino's veins. He almost couldn't keep still. "What do you think we should do?" he asked feebly. "We can't just leave him here—"

"What are you talking about?" Jun cut in. "We follow Coups inside. He's our leader, and he always knows what's best for us. What else would we do?"

Dino blushed under the scrutiny of his friends' gazes. "Nothing. Nothing at all. We'd better get going—it's not good to keep him waiting."

Jun and The8 forged ahead, but DK remained with Dino. Lee Chan's eyes were troubled, and he seemed worried about something that was beyond his control.

"It'll be okay," Dokyeom promised. "We'll get through this together."

"I hope so," Dino said softly, "because we're sure not getting off to a good start."

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