Chapter 8: The Freezer (i.e. SoonHoon's Undeniable Affection)

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Woozi stretched and stifled a yawn. Sitting up on the thin mattress, he studied the room in a daze. Vernon was sleeping in a mass of tangled sheets, yet Hoshi's bed was empty. There was a dent in the mattress where Soonyoung should have been, yet he was nowhere to be found. Puzzled, Woozi got up to investigate. He crept lightly around the side of the bed and found Hoshi dozing on the floor. Smiling and shaking his head, he ambled into the bathroom to wash his face before the others woke up and crowded all around him.

Vernon got up about the time Woozi was making his bed. Every muscle in Hansol's upper body was stiff, so he flexed his arms above his head and pulled his shirt down when it exposed too much of his solid stomach. "How'd you sleep?"

Jihoon shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I dreamt about the time we were filming 'Adore U' out on the beach. Though, it was very cold, and no one wanted to go into the water."

"So... it's like a mix of the 'Adore U Part Switch Version' and 'OFD.'"

Woozi nodded. "Something like that. I guess I just miss the old days, when things were simple, and we were all still together." Jihoon sighed, and there was sorrow in his eyes. "I wonder if the good days will ever return, or if scrounging around for food is all we have left to look forward to."

"Don't think like that," Vernon said softly. "We've been friends too long to throw it all away. Sooner or later, the others will realize that, and they'll come around. We just have to be patient—"

"I'm trying to sleep," Hoshi grumbled. "What's wrong with you people?"

Woozi thought about apologizing but knew it wasn't worth it. Throwing open the curtains, he watched Hoshi squirm as white light as bright as a camera flash flooded the room.

"COME AT ME, JIHOON, COME AT ME!" Hoshi shrieked. "This isn't over! I will get my revenge!"

Vernon laughed. "You're merciless."

Woozi flashed an angelic smile. "I know. Who's ready for breakfast?"

"Since I'm awake," Hoshi said with a glare, "I guess I'll go with you. I know the kitchen like the back of my hand."

"You've only been down there once," Vernon reminded him.

"You underestimate me, Hansol, when there's food involved."

"I think you're right. You two go ahead. I still need to make the bed and gather the dishes from last night. Take a pen and some paper with you," he added, "and make a list of everything we need. Woozi and I will head to the store today and pick up a few canned goods—anything that's nonperishable unless we're going to eat it tonight."

"Okay." Woozi stuffed a complimentary pen and notepad into his pants' pocket. On his way out the door along with Soonyoung, he asked, "Anything special you want for breakfast?"

Vernon shook his head at first, but he wasn't thinking with his stomach. "Waffles?"

Woozi thought it over, but even then he didn't look too sure. "We'll try our best to scrape something up, but in all honesty the kitchen was pretty bare last night."

"Just our luck. On a normal day, a hotel like this one should have enough to feed an army and then some, but we come right when they're running out of supplies."

"You win some, you lose some." Woozi tried not to show his disappointment, but it was almost impossible. Everything about this situation was impossible. But they couldn't lose hope. Not now, not ever. Resentment could spread like a virus, and if just one of them fell prone to it, the rest of them were sure to follow...

"Hey, Hoshi," Woozi called, "I think I found the freezer!" In the back corner of the room was an area surrounded by silver shelves teeming with the last of the decaying sweets. Jihoon was standing in front of a large silver door, his fingers clutching the handle. "I'm going to check it out. Maybe Vernon'll have those waffles, after all."

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