Chapter 14: Hammers & Glass (i.e. Jeonghan, the Guardian Angel)

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"Where to next, Captain?" Jeonghan was keen to show his unquestionable devotion to Mingyu, whether that be in honey-drenched speech, resounding actions, or both. On the future he had set his mind, as well as on the benefits he could derive from maintaining a close relationship with the man in charge. It was time to put years' worth of acting classes to the test—he had to sell his craft. Yet, Mingyu was a tough customer, and he wasn't buying any of it.

"You'll know soon enough," Kim said in a detached voice.

"Why are you like that?" If emotions were linked to colors, and words left a tangible imprint, then Wonwoo's lips would be stained rose-red. "You act like we're invisible half the time. You're not the only one alive, Kim Mingyu—"

"What are you, my eomma?" This statement caught Wonwoo completely off guard. His expression alone was enough to have Mingyu burst into laughter. "What a bunch of wimps. You act like this is a republic. We're going to the zoo," he added as an afterthought.

"What?" four voices protested at once. "The zoo...?"

Mingyu cupped a hand to his ear. "Is there an echo in here? Since when were you granted the right to vote? I say we're going to the zoo, and that's exactly where we're headed."

In that instant, Jeonghan knew that Mingyu wasn't out to make friends. He was above all of them, at the top of a league entirely of his own making, and only through fear and intimidation did he expect them to follow his orders without question. If they pledged their hearts solely to him, he would reward them handsomely, and in designated intervals, so that they would keep coming back for more; and, in the end, he would have gained both their trust and admiration.

Jeonghan exhaled a discontented sigh and fell in stride with Joshua and Wonwoo.

"I wonder how the others are faring," Jisoo said wistfully, "especially Vernon. You know, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Jeonghan made the mistake of looking Joshua in the eye and was instantly subjected to a slighted brown-eyed gaze.

"You shouldn't have come," Yoon said bluntly. He wasn't thinking of sparing Jisoo's feelings; in its place, he attacked him with what he thought to be the truth.

"How can you say that?" Joshua's voice quaked with betrayal.

"You would have been happier with Vernon. Instead of following me around all day like a blind fool, why don't you make some decisions on your own, for once?"

Wonwoo staggered back a step. Caught in the crossfire. That's how he felt. Stealing a quick glance ahead at Mingyu, he lowered his voice and said, "Guys, keep it down—"

But it was too late. Wisps of conversation, like billowing smoke, carried on the wind, had long since reached Mingyu's "sensitive" ears. "What's stopping you? We don't need you here."

Joshua tried to speak, but he choked on the words that caught in his throat. "I don't know where to go. I don't know where anyone is."

"You'll find them, if you look hard enough," Mingyu said coldly. "So, why don't you—"

"Enough." Jeonghan shut them up cold and pressed his hand gently against Mingyu's chest to keep him away from Joshua. "We've all said things we don't mean. Joshua obviously wants to be here, or he would have left already. So why don't you back off?"

Mingyu was seething with detestation; it festered under the surface lie a crack in the thin layer of ice formed over a frozen lake. But he knew better than to say any more in the presence of Jeonghan. Swallowing a clever rebuke, he clenched his teeth against the pain of keeping everything pent-up inside. They watched his bitterness gradually melt away like the last of a winter snow, and his lips eventually formed an unpleasant smile. Jeonghan and Joshua were closer in body and mind than he had first thought, and if Joshua left, there was a chance that Jeonghan would, as well. Jisoo had never been vital to the team, but losing Jeonghan to the enemy would be like drinking poison.

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