Why You're Here/SEVENTEEN Information You May or May Not Want to Know

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(✿°◇°)  Hello, everyone!  I'm SilverPinkyRing and an avid SEVENTEEN fan.  I hope you enjoy my story!  I'm currently in the process of typing up an information sheet that will help explain some terms in each chapter you may not be familiar with.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask!  I'll respond to almost anything regarding the content of my story and/or SEVENTEENFeedback is appreciated, as well; anything from plot suggestions to grammar.  Please enjoy! 

(*°∀°)=3 ...also, on a side note, can you guess my bias as you further indulge in "Cold Relations?"

(≧∇≦)/☆ミ  If you like what you've read, don't forget to leave a vote!

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞  R&R!

Said Information Sheet (I will add to this as we go along):

Word | Definition:

Sunbaenim | A formal way of saying "senior"   

Hyung | Older boy

Dongsaeng | Younger boy or girl

Maknae | Youngest member of a group

"Gaja!" | (Romanized Hangul/Korean phrase), "Let's go!"

"Yah!" | (Romanized Hangul/Korean expression used to get someone's attention), "Hey!" 

"Pabo." | (Romanized Hangul/Korean word used as a playful insult), "Idiot." 

"Wae?" | (Romanized Hangul/Korean question word), "Why?" 

"Chincha?" | (Romanized Hangul/Korean word usually said in disgust), "Really?/Seriously?"

"Hajima!" | (Romanized Hangul/Korean word), "Stop it!/Don't do it!" 

"Mianhae." | (Romanized Hangul/Korean word), "I'm sorry."

Eomma | Mother

Cheonsa | Angel

Cast: Real Name | Stage Name | Nickname (Random Info):

Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups | Coups, SEVENTEEN's father (he often breaks up fights, resolves arguments, and just keeps things together as a whole\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/)

Yoon Jeonghan | Jeonghan | Angel Yoon (Jeonghan's birthday is October 4th, 10/04, and the word for "one thousand and four" and "angel" are both pronounced "cheonsa" ☜(⌒▽⌒))

Hong Jisoo (Jisoo is his Korean name, Joshua is his English name) | Joshua | 'Shua, Gentleman Joshua ("Who says chivalry is dead?" ^.^)

Wen Junhui | Jun | Moon Junhui (I always wondered if this was referring to the fact that he's "out of this world..." ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) *no shame*)

Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi | Gag Trio #1, 10:10 (his eyes resemble two hands on a clock when it's 10:10), Kwon Hoshi (his sexy persona), Naega Hosh (his silly persona (get out of the pun life, Hoshi, pls .-.))

Jeon Wonwoo | Wonwoo | Sloth (he's known to be lazy/slow), Bag of Luck, Garden Fairy (from "One Fine Day (2016)," the reality TV show... so, he knew how to garden, yet he couldn't figure out how to wash a vegetable? Are you KIMBAPY KIDDING ME?!? >_<)

Lee Jihoon | Woozi | Jihoonie (Hoshi slipped up and called him this once... let's just say it didn't end well... *insert acoustic guitar here* (X_X))

Lee Seokmin | DK | Gag Trio #2, Happy Virus (he sets the mood for SEVENTEEN (/◕ヮ◕)/)

Kim Mingyu | Mingyu | Accident-Waiting-to-Happen (your guess is as good as mine), Multitalented (he can literally do everything... sing, dance, rap, cook, clean, athletics—you name it! OTL)

Xu Minghao (Chinese name), Seo Myeongho (Korean name) | The8 | Fairy, Raw Pork Roll (his hair in the "Mansae" era was said to resemble ramen or raw pork belly *smh* (ಠ))

Boo Seungkwan | Seungkwan | Gag Trio #3, DivaBoo, Booyoncé, Ballerina Boo (he's very dramatic... and entertaining... what else can I say? My reaction to everything Seungkwan in general Σ(゚Д゚))

Chwe Hansol | Vernon | Mr. Headphones (Vernon is always listening to music and not paying attention to the conversation around him, leaving him clueless in numerous situations d-_-b)

Lee Chan | Dino | Small Giant Maknae, Maknae on Top, BangChan, Jeonghan's Baby (Jeonghan often taunts Dino, saying, "Dino, nugu aegi?" (literally, "Dino, whose baby are you?"), and Dino unwillingly replies, "Jeonghan-ah aegi..." *insert eye roll here* ;_; (-‸ლ) (._.))

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