Chapter 24: Little8 (i.e. Minghao's Breathtaking Confession)

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Jeonghan awoke to a deep orange sky framed by a single window. He stretched his arms above his head, listening to the quiet backdrop of Joshua's snores, and stared up at the ceiling while his mind cleared.

Muffled voices carried to his ears from outside, and Jeonghan stood up to investigate. Sitting out by the pool in the cold were Hoshi, Woozi, Vernon, and—The8!

Jeonghan scowled, his biceps distending under the long sleeves of a white sweater with vibrant stitching. "So this is how he repays their kindness... Minghao has some nerve..." A contortion of the lips formed a baleful smile. "He's put on a good show, but the curtains are closing, and it's time to take a final bow. I won't stop until I've revealed everything."


The8 was very much on edge by the way he rocked in his chair and watched the water but not their eyes. "I... I have a confession to make—"

The pool gate swung into the wall with a loud crack, and everyone turned towards the noise in alarm, while Jeonghan stepped out from the shadows and into the fading light of the evening sunset. "I think it's a little late for that."

The8 jumped up, his fearful gaze frozen on Jeonghan. "If you'll just let me explain—"

"It's. Too. Late." Jeonghan was advancing with every word. "The truth won't make any difference. What's done is done. And it's time to face the consequences."

Fire ignited Hoshi's tiger eyes like a stray spark in a can of gasoline. "What's going on here? Who gave you the right to barge in on this conversation... and how dare you threaten our Little8!"

"'Little8?'" Jeonghan laughed bitterly. "Your Little8 is a liar, a traitor, and a spy. S.Coups sent him here to keep an eye on you, so he would know everything you planned on doing long before you did it."

Hoshi, Woozi, and Vernon were stunned into silence. All eyes burned into a horrified The8.

"Minghao came to the cathedral, looking for work, but Mingyu saw him for what he was—a mercenary—and turned him away. The8 gained your trust, and then stabbed you in the back. How does it feel to be fooled by someone who pretended to be a close friend?"

The8 felt like his heart was breaking; the disappointment in his friends' eyes was too much for him to take. He hadn't wanted it to happen this way; he needed to tell them himself, find a way to cushion the impact of the news, so no one was hurt. But now it was too late. The damage had been done.

"I'm sorry," The8 whispered. "I really am."

A single tear glistened on Hoshi's cheek. A small part of him felt betrayed, while a larger part refused to accept it. The conflict was staggering; whatever he was feeling at the moment was something that could not be easily described.

"The8-ssi," Hoshi begged, "tell me he's wrong. Deny that it's the truth, that you deceived us all."

The8's lips quivered, and he whimpered. "I've never lied to you before, Hoshi-ssi, and I don't plan on lying to you now. It's true. I'm a spy, and I'm working for Jun." As soon as the words were out, The8 knew what he had to do. He quickly judged the distance to the fence—his friends were on one side, with Jeonghan on the other, and the pool was directly behind him. If he sprinted before he jumped, he just might make it across...

Jeonghan sensed The8's plan long before he moved to execute it. Yoon froze in his tracks, reached out a hand, and attempted to talk some sense into him. "Minghao, don't be stupid."

"It's too late for that." The8 was determined, and there was no turning back. Jeonghan raced to grab him, but Woozi took it for an act of aggression and yanked him back by the collar, until Yoon had lost his breath.

"If he wants to run, then let him go. It's not worth the chase."

"You don't understand," Jeonghan wheezed. "If I don't stop him, he's going to—"


Woozi withdrew his fingers from Jeonghan's shirt, one at a time, a look of distress on his face. The fence represented freedom in The8's eyes, and in an attempt to reach it he had chosen to jump the width of the pool. But it was too far a distance, even for a dancer as lean and flexible as he, and he had taken an undesired plunge into the freezing water.

Jeonghan quelled the urge to dive in and rescue The8. The temperature of the water would cause his muscles to freeze up, and then he, too, would be no help to any of them. Thinking fast, he rolled up his sleeves, reached into the water, and found a wrist, pulling The8's body up onto the wet concrete.

But Minghao's chest was still.

"Breathe, damn it!" Jeonghan pressed hard on his friend's stomach until he was gagging, coughing up water, and gasping for air. The8's weary dark eyes soon came to rest upon Jeonghan's angelic pale face.

"Thank you. All I saw was black... I thought my short life had come to an end."

Jeonghan squeezed The8's shoulder. "Why'd you have to be so reckless?"

"I was afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"You. I thought you'd kill me as soon as you laid hands on me."

"Nobody's perfect," Jeonghan said with a mirthless grin, "but not even I'm that bad." He hefted The8 up to his feet and steadied him with an arm around his shoulders. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes and into a hot shower before you catch hypothermia. Then we'll all gather in the lobby and give you a chance to explain."

The8 nodded weakly. "That's all I ask. You can decide what to do with me once I've finished."


The8 took his time in the shower, so he could mentally prepare for a smooth confession. His friends were awaiting his presence in the lobby, and as soon as he was ready, he walked into the room, with his towel spilling loosely over his shoulders and a look of remorse on his face, and perched on the edge of a wooden bench furnished with plush velvet cushions.

The8 was trying his best not to get emotional. "I admit that at first, I was nothing more than a spy. I smuggled information to Jun without thinking how much it would hurt you. But now..." The8 cleared his throat and wiped away a strand of fresh tears; he couldn't help but cry, so upset did he feel. "Now, after spending so much time with you and receiving your kindness firsthand, I've grown to love all of you like my own family, and the very notion of betraying you sends a sharp pain through my heart. Please don't hate me for the mistakes I've made. There isn't a moment that passes when I don't regret losing your trust. All I ask is that you give me another chance. To prove my worth and my loyalty." He bowed his head and closed his eyes. "Please."

"I say we send him out into the cold." Woozi's eyes were two black stones. Loyalty was something he treasured above all else, and in his world people like The8 didn't deserve a second chance. Jeonghan exchanged glances with the others, but no one said a word.

The8 wrung his hands, his frail body trembling. "If that's how you all feel... then I guess I'll leave."

Hoshi jumped up, slamming his fist down on the arm of the chair. "After everything he's said... if you let him leave like this... I'm going, too."

Woozi's lips drew back in a snarl, his keen mind readying a retort, but Jeonghan motioned for everyone to calm down. "No one's going anywhere. Hoshi, sit down. Woozi, zip it. The8 spoke from the heart, and I believe him. Sending him away will only further sever our relations, cold though they may be. And what good will that achieve? The8 is welcome to stay here, as long as he understands that if he makes the same mistake again, he will not be our friend but a prisoner who gives us leverage over Jun. Do I make myself clear?"

The8 shook his head. "Not at all."

Jeonghan was taken aback. "So, you're saying you'd rather leave?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I just... you were speaking so fast... I only caught a few words. Can you repeat it, only slower this time?"

Jeonghan smiled. "Little8, indeed." 

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