Chapter 1 - My Husband

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"Jikyung. Jikyung - ah. Wake up." Slowly, I stirred, feeling oddly warm. I rubbed my eyes, yawning, and saw Yixing very close to me. But what alarmed me more was my position. I was curled up to him, my arms folded between us, snuggled against his chest. I had done this in my sleep.

His arms were around me too, holding me in return, and I panicked.

"Yi - Yixing!" I exclaimed, pushing him unceremoniously away from me, and he retreated, getting out of bed.

"It's getting late," He said, sounding slightly hurt.

"We should get up." Reluctantly, I followed him out of bed, and was quiet as he took off his robe, his back to me. I couldn't help but stare; his back was lined with cords of muscle. He was strong, I realized, strong enough to do whatever he wanted to me, and yet he wasn't. Yixing could have made me do whatever he asked last night - and right now - but...he hadn't. This both scared and confused me. Why wouldn't he make me have sex with him?

"There are clothes for you in the drawer," He turned around, tying on a fresh tunic, and I silently nodded, walking over to the bureau inside the room and opening it. Inside was a vast armada of dresses, and I extracted one, pulling out a long white dress, decorated in a pale, sky blue and tied at the waist. It was beautiful, I thought, more tight that the hanbok I was used to, but still pretty. And there were many like it.

"Do you like it?" Yixing looked genuinely concerned. "If not, I can have different kinds made."

"No," I said softly. "It's lovely. Thank you." There was an awkward silence, as I held the dress up to myself, and Yixing staring at me before he asked if I would put it on.

"I - In front of you?" I asked, blushing, and Yixing turned his back respectfully.

"I won't look," He said, facing the wall, and quickly, I dropped my robes, changing as quickly as I possibly could. I was afraid he would suddenly turn around, as I was completely exposed, but he was true to his word. 

"I - I'm done," I said, adjusting my sleeve, and Yixing turned around, and smiled chidingly.

"You're missing the wrap around the waist," He said with a light chuckle and dug through the drawers, producing a sky blue and pale yellow  belt, that was nearly six-inches wide. "Allow me to help you." 

He walked behind me, and I wordlessly stood, as Yixing tied the wrap around my waist. His fingers occasionally brushed the sides of my dress, sending chills of nervousness throughout my skin. I didn't like his hands on me, as polite as he was being. 

"There," He stepped back, smiling at his handiwork. I stepped towards the door. "It's complete."

"Thank you," I bowed my head, waiting for him to leave the room before I followed him down the hall for breakfast. I wasn't quite sure what to think of Zhang Yixing. He was capable, he had the strength to make me submit to his every will, and yet he wasn't. He was polite, he was respectful, and he obeyed my boundaries. Was this normal for how a husband should treat his wife? From my experience, it didn't seem so.

We sat down in a room overlooking the garden for breakfast, and servants brought the meals in on trays. All of it looked foreign to me, not at all like what I was used too, and I was untrustworthy of it. After all, I barely knew this man. I did not know what he would do to me, although it seemed unlikely that he would want to poison me. Yixing picked up a pair of chopsticks and lifted a steaming dumpling to his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and reached for another. 

"Eat, Jikyung - ah," He said. "You're hungry, aren't you?"

"I - alright," I lifted a clump of rice into my mouth, slowly chewing skeptically.

"It isn't that different," Yixing chuckled, taking his chopsticks and lifting a white, steaming bun and holding it out to me. "Taste it. It's sweet."

I wasn't sure if I should take his offered food with my chopsticks or my mouth. I hesitantly reached out with my chopsticks and took the steamed bun from him, taking a tiny bite. It was sweet, with raisins baked into it, and I was about to take a second bite when there was a knock on the door.

Yixing looked up with a frown.

"Come in," He called, and a soldier in uniform entered the room, bowing before us.

"My lord," He addressed Yixing. "Your presence is required."

"Now?" My husband looked at me apologetically.

"Tell whomever is sending for me that I am currently preoccupied."

"Your father is sending for you upon orders of the governor," The soldier said more pointedly.

"You're attendance is required. Your wife - " The soldier cast a cold look upon me. "Can eat alone."

Yixing scowled at him, and eventually turned back to me, getting up. I stood up also, but Yixing shook his head. "I shall be back as soon as I can," He said apologetically. "I apologize for this."

"Go," I said, sitting back down. "I'll be fine." Yixing reached out and took my hand, raising it to his lips, and I watched him go.

I really wasn't hungry, so I decided to explore the estate, walking through the walls and the garden, looking into rooms. If I was living here the rest of my life, I might as well get to know the place. The wooden floors were soft and smooth against my bare feet, and I liked the way the felt. It was a warm day for autumn, and even if this was no Korea, China still was beautiful.

I walked across a courtyard and heard voices coming from a closed door. Curious, I walked slowly forward and crouched down, peering through the transparent window. A group of about ten men, varying in age, were all standing before a table, and I recognized Yixing among them.

"My son is young, he is newly married!" Yixing's father exclaimed, addressing an older man wearing fine clothes. "Might he not be exempt from this enlistment?"

"He is the ideal age for a soldier, and he is certainly athletic enough," The official replied. "I don't want to ask this of you, Yimou. And I am truly sorry about Yixing. It is a shame he doesn't have any brothers. If there is no one to go in his place..."

"What do you think you're doing?" I nearly screamed, whipping around as a short, skinny, rat-faced man grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up.

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked, pulling away from him in disgust, but his grip was tight, and he refused to let go.

"You sneaky little wench, I'll report you right now," He shoved the door, his grip still solid on my dress, and barged in.

"Governor! I caught this one sneaking around outside!"

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